
Why would progesterone shrink small but not large fibroids?

by Ata


I am 56 year old and have a large 13 cm uterine fibroid. Reading about progesterone therapy, I would really like to try it..Many comments state though that large fibroids will not be helped and require surgery. Why would progesterone shrink small but not large fibroids? Is it hopeless to try? What dose should I start at with Bioidentical progesterone from a compounding pharmacy? Would I apply it vaginally? Thank you in advance for any guidance.

Ps. I have tried high dose Vitamin D along with other supplements recommended but the fibroid keeps growing.

Comments for Why would progesterone shrink small but not large fibroids?

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Feb 16, 2025
Why would progesterone shrink small but not large fibroids?
by: Joy

Hi Ata

Fibroids like any other growth or tumour will respond quicker if addressed early. Progesterone can help the body absorb smaller ones but as mentioned, larger ones usually require surgery. I see no reason why you shouldn't try progesterone. You need it anyway as you are in Menopause.

Fibroids are caused by oxidative stress, you need to address your Inflammation and heal your gut. Fermented foods are most beneficial. Vitamin D3 and taurine are of paramount importance in their prevention, see here. A lack of taurine is found in endometrial cancer, cystic endometrial hyperplasia, fibromyoma (fibroids), and dysfunctional uterine bleeding see here. Please make sure that your Vitamin D3 level is optimal at all times.

If you decide to use progesterone from a compounding pharmacy, please make sure that it equates to that of Natpro Progesterone Cream which is a 3% organic cream and contains no parabens etc. Progesterone therapy is not a quick fix when it comes to fibroids, endometriosis etc.

Best of luck.

Feb 18, 2025
Follow up information
by: Ata

Thank you for your response. I just received my Vitamin D3 test result and my level is 229 nmol/L which in Canada is considered too high (I think this corresponds to 91.6 ng/mL). Could too high Vitamin D3 level make the fibroid grow? I am taking Mg plus Taurine, NAC, EGCG, eating low glycemic whole foods diet. I have not bled for a year, yet my ferritin is way below normal at 11 and my fibroid has grown. Progesterone is my hope, yet do you think it will help (and not make the fibroid grow bigger)? Have you heard of any ladies successfully shrinking/eliminating very large fibroids (12.7 cm)? I would like to use Natpro. What dosage should I start at and where do I apply it for best results? I understand this is a marathon with no guarantees. I am committed to doing whatever I need to. Thank you again for your suggestions.

Feb 19, 2025
Follow up information
by: Joy

Hi Ata

Your D3 level is good. It should be between 70-100ng/mL. Mine is currently 130ng/mL, I feel at my best at that level. Please see the Vitamin D Council and references.

Most of the answers to your questions can be found on the fibroid page under References. All studies examining progesterone that demonstrated favourable outcomes utilized dosages ranging from 200mg to 500mg per day or 6ml to 12ml of Natpro Progesterone Cream daily. In some cases, dosages may reach as high as 600mg per day, depending on the severity of the condition. It’s recommended to apply the cream twice daily to maintain consistent levels. For optimal results, use the cream every day without interruptions until there is a noticeable improvement, after which you can begin to follow your menstrual cycle if you have one. If you believe you are stable enough to reduce your usage, please do so gradually. Your fibroid is large, I suggest a higher amount.

D3 is highly recommended we should all be taking it regardless of symptoms. I am pleased that you are taking magnesium, but what about the other cofactors? Namely vitamin K3, zinc and boron.

A missed period for 12 months puts you in Menopause.

Feb 26, 2025
Further research
by: Ata

Thank you so much for your reply Joy. I have spent the last few days researching and reading your answers on this website. I am so confused and feel like crying. It seems that everything I am doing is working the opposite way. I am reading that supplements I take in large amounts ie. Vitamin D and Mg may increase my estrogen levels as can legumes and cruciferous vegetables I eat a lot of for fiber. My fibroid has grown from 10 cm to 12.7 cm since I brought my Vitamin D3 level to 91.6 ng (taking 50,000 IU per day for 2 months). I take all cofactor. I do not know what to eat or take anymore.

Is there anyone who I can pay for consulting with me and leading me through the process of using high dose progesterone? I feel like this is my only logical step. I believe a high enough dose of progesterone will overcome the estrogen levels and let me either shrink or "abort" this fibroid.

Feb 27, 2025
Further research
by: Joy

Hi Ata

Balancing the hormones can be confusing. Progesterone therapy requires time and patience especially when dealing with fibroids. Our Environment plays a huge part as there are well over 100 estrogen mimics which is why progesterone supplementation is needed. Diet is always important no matter what health issue one is going through.

Legumes etc are estrogenic. Try to use organic as much as possible. If I want to eat beans or chickpeas for example, I make sure they are organic where possible. As for cruciferous vegetables. They affect some people others not. Please try not to get too despondent about it. If eating these vegetables affects you, cut back on them. I eat them with absolutely no issues at all.

I can find no evidence indicating vitamin D3 increases estrogen levels. If you have reliable research papers on this please post them. Of all the years that I have been dealing with progesterone and vitamin D3, I have yet to read how D3 increases estrogen. I certainly would not suggest D3 if this was the case. Your D3 level is good. It should be optimal at between 70-100ng. My level is currently around 130 as mentioned, I like to maintain it there and take 10,000 a day. As your level is optimal, I suggest reducing the amount used daily.

It would be helpful to know what your progesterone:estrogen ratio is. If you know your results please compare them to the Hormone Testing page. The ratio should be around 600:1.

Feb 27, 2025
Further research
by: Ata

Thank you for your patience with me. I spent hours reading and trying to learn as much as possible, yet some information is so confusing. About Vitamin D - I was referring to Sept. 28, 2012 comment by Wray (to someone who observed estrogen dominance symptoms after taking Vitamin D3) where Wray said "By adding the vitamin D it's enhanced the progesterone, which in turn would stimulate oestrogen." I take it as a temporary situation until enough progesterone is taken? Since I am not taking any progesterone - I have panicked a little thinking I am doing more harm.

Unfortunately where I live, hormone tests are not available. I have to go by my symptoms as a guide. I eat a very clean and organic diet. I also have not used any chemicals in years. This fibroid growth is very surprising given how much effort I put into being healthy. I seem to have some heavy metals hence though eating legumes (soluble fiber) would help me detox.

I am convinced I need higher dose progesterone so I will go this route. It is just intimidating and scary to do it by myself. I will start with 6 ml of Natpro and increase the dose until I have no symptoms. If you have any other suggestions as to the dose - I would greatly appreciate any advice. Thank you again for all your help.

Feb 28, 2025
Further Research
by: Joy

Hi Ata

When I first got involved with progesterone and this website, I would sit for hours, day after day for such a long time before things started to make sense. It can be daunting. I decided to do what made sense to me and it all fell into place.

Thanks for quoting what Wray had said. I was beginning to think that there were research papers on this that I was unaware of. Yes, progesterone will aggravate estrogen when first using it. D3 improves the benefits of progesterone. Once progesterone becomes dominant, things improve greatly.

ZRT Labs in the USA and Birmingham Hospital in the UK do all sorts of tests. If you are able to, may I suggest testing via one of these labs if testing is not available where you are.

I can't stress enough to address your inflammation; the link already given to you. Fibroids, endo and PCOS are all caused by oxidative stress which needs to be addressed. I highly recommend eating a variety of fermented foods. Having the fibroid removed surgically will help for a short while because the inflammation is is there.

Consider taking the amino acid Cysteine (NAC) no less than 500mg per day. NAC burns fat and builds muscle. A powerful anti-oxidant and free radical scavenger, it boosts the immune system, energy and metabolism. A precursor to glutathione, itself a powerful detoxifier of the liver. Selenium, zinc and cysteine deficiency result in reduced levels of glutathione. An anti-aging amino, reduces age spots, also used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, burns and wounds. Lowers homocysteine, strengthens skin, nails and hair, chelates heavy metals including mercury and lead, a hangover remedy. It breaks down mucus so used in bronchitis, emphysema, tuberculosis and cystic fibrosis. Caution: Do not take if you suffer from cystinuria. Perhaps this will help you.

If you feel that you need to use more progesterone, then do so. Experiment, see what works for you. We are all different and require different things.

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