by tiffany
(Santa Maria, Ca)
I am a 35 year old mother of 3 who was having a horrible time with my monthly cycle. They were very heavy and painful,the last one I had before my surgery lasted almost 6 weeks and left me completely drained. I went to my gyno and he suggested the ablation and if that didnt work they wanted to do a hystorectomy on me. The ablation helped very much, but a few months later I started to gain weight and had not changed anything about my diet or workout.After about 1 year I started having aweful panic attacks and had put on 50 lbs and had a whole list of sysmptoms that coinside with low progesterone. Could these surgeries have caused a hormonal imbalance as I have read similar stories of women all over the U.S complaining of the same problems. Please can you help?
Tiffany C.
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