Spotting and irregular periods
Hi Wray,
First off, thank you so much for your website and all of the research and advice you have given! This site has seriously helped me so much with everything.
I am 25 years old. When I went off birth control three years ago, I was a mess. I would go months without a period. In addition, a slew of other issues popped up like bad cystic acne (something I've had since age 12 but was almost completely treated), ovarian cysts that would come and go, painful sex, decreased libido, and severe constipation (that even prescriptions from doctors could not fix.)
Since starting natural progesterone cream, my period has returned! Also, every symptom above except acne has vanished after just a month using the cream.
I was on spironolactone for the last 2 years for acne, and although it cleared my skin, I had even more bad side effects, so I am almost weaned off of it now. Consequently, the acne returned when I lowered my dose (before starting cream.) I am seeing some improvement from the cream, though. I have also started your recommended dose of vitamin D.
However, my main concern writing you is my period is completely random. I am spotting every week or two, or bleeding a bit heavier (more like an actual period.) I honestly have no idea when my real period is supposed to be, or which spotting occurrence is the real deal and the one I should be starting the breaks on.
I've read on your website that you sometimes recommend using cream daily instead of taking a break for a few cycles. I am willing to try this; however, I am really really scared that my period will stop again. Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you so much again.