by Denise
Hello Wray, I have been diagnosed with PCOS and my doctor who specializes in BHRT, placed me on natural progesterone troches (taken under the tongue) at the following STARTING dosage:
Day 6-12 (14 mg every evening)
Day 13-28 (14 mg TWICE daily, stopping when bleeding begins)
I have been taking this dosage for 9 weeks now and have had VERY LIGHT periods (practically spotting) for 5 days and periods starting early (bleeding starting on Day 20). This has happened for the last three 20-day cycles.
Is this the right dosage considering that the periods are starting earlier and are so light? I asked my doctor about this via phone message and she said to continue with this dosage until I see her in 2 months where we can make adjustments. Could you offer your opinion about this dosing for PCOS? Thank you and thank you for this site!
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