Can the Progesterone/Vitamin D3 combo help strengthen cartilage & bone health/osteoporosis.
by Pam Wood
14 August 2017 England
Hi there, I'm a 67 year old woman, still working as a teacher, very healthy, currently not and never been on medication, don't even know which of the doctors I'm registered with at my local surgery; I feel very blessed.
However, I was born it seems, with one leg slightly shorter than the other, had a raised shoe as a child to 'correct' the skeletal imbalance or should I say, to balance the pelvis as I walked. However, that was discarded as I got older, I've had no adverse symptoms from it except, I would say, as a result of wear and tear and perhaps the menopause, the 'stress' on the pelvic mis-alignment has resulted in cartilage loss on my left hip bone. Now, as the cartilage on my left hip bone has worn away, I feel pain in the lower back, the nerves which emanate from there and travel around the hip from there going into the groin known as Femoro Acetabular Impingement is where the femoral & obdurate nerves are impaired and can cause slight pain.
I really want to avoid having a Hip Arthroscopy done before arthritis develops though they say it helps protect the hip joint's surfaces and reduces the risk of early osteoarthritis and this minimally invasive procedure will delay the need to undergo a hip replacement later on down the line, I'm still not happy to just leave that to fate.
So will progesterone therapy/Vitamin D3 help - can the cartilage regrow and bone health be restored? I am a strong believer in mind health equates to body health, that there is an undeniable connection between our mental intention to create our best possible body health. I am exercising this every day and over the last 2 years since this condition became apparent, there has been a marked improvement.
I have already bought the progesterone cream from you and Vitamin D3 1000iu and started applying them a few days ago. I would appreciate your ideas, comments, guidance and application protocol.
Thank you.
My best