Sinus type symptoms
I've been taking progesterone predominantly for monthly intense migraines. Since beginning the therapy, my migraines have relieved considerably, almost diminished. However, I've now been experiencing sinus type problems, i.e. head/face pressure, pain across the nose, sneezing, watery eyes on certain days, and sometimes on waking a blocked nose, however this seems to clear fairly quickly (I have had sinus type problems previously, however, it has seemed to increase considerably since taking progesterone).
I'm currently taking 50mg a day on the correct days and have been for the last 3 months. Prior to this, I was taking 100mg, however, backed off to 50mg due to the symptoms mentioned above. I'm not sure if this was the right thing to do or whether I should have carried on with 100mg. Please could you give me your opinion/advice... Thank you.