by Bridget
History: I am 37 Female non smoker, thin build and pretty good eating habits-low carbs and eating organic whenever possible. I have a unicornuate uterus preventing me from completing my 3 pregnancies. I have a history of Tachycardia and Graves (had radioactive iodine for thyroid). I take only Synthroid daily. I seem to be allergic to almost everything these days and avoid toxins, additives and dyes as much as humanly possible.
Over the last year my blood sugar has been taking over my life. The Dr.'s don't know why it drops so low 1.5 hrs after eating (sometimes into the 50's). Hot flashes, moody and light headed. After journeling I found a connection to my period and ovulation times~ the blood sugar drops dramatically and unpredictably during these times. I had my saliva test done and it showed Estradiol - less than 1 (low) and Progesterone 52.4 (low). The labs indicated an anovulatory cycle, estrogen deficiency and dominance symptoms.
Should I consider a progesterone cream? Do I need something for Estadiol also? I really appreciate any feedback you can provide. I'd love to get off this medical roller coaster ride. Thanks so very much.
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