Hello, my baby is 2 years now and after our very long delivery and a year of breast feeding and sleep deprivation I finally hit rock bottom. I had rage, depression, unable to sleep, couldn't handle any stress at all, anxiety etc etc. I'm doing better now after using nutritional balancing for my adrenals. I have now started using Progesterone cream for the past 5 days. I came across your website and have upped the dose from 20mg to 100mg. I was hoping it would help with my waking up at 3am every morning. It has made me very very tired and calm but my head is now pounding and I now wake up at 1am and then have a very restless time with wierd dreams until morning. I feel like I'm dragging my body around and I'm aching all over. I was hoping it was going to help my sleep not make it worse! What should I do? I'm scared to up the dose! Thanks L
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