by Rachell
Dear Wray
I am 44 and started peri-menopause. I did some research and found your questionnaire on Progesterone Therapy and after scoring a 68 I wanted to try the cream.
I purchased Emeritia single use progesterone packets from the health food store.
I felt almost 100% better on day 1.......I called it the miracle cream! I take 20mg twice a day and feel so much better. My problems consisted of rapid heart beat mainly at night with no sleep, body aches, headaches, EXTREME PMS rage and fatigue and crazy brain fog (fuzzy thinking) I can honestly say all that went away and my periods were also lighter and not so painful. However, Emeritia says to stop progesterone on Day 1 of bleed until day 8 to begin progesterone again.
Can you tell me why you need to stop using progesterone when your period begins?
Is it okay to continue earlier than the 8th day because since I stopped it I have not slept normal and feel horrible again?
I have a 2 1/2 year old boy and 4 1/2 year old girl so there is no downtime for me let alone having these awful symptoms and feeling terrible!
Thank you!!
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