by Cheryl
(Lawrence, KS USA)
I quit smoking after 35 years and started going through menopause all at the same time (a double whammy)! I thought the foggy brain and mood swings and weight gain was all from quitting smoking. However now I am learning that most all of the symptoms I have had are from menopause.
I have had hotflashes every hour and nightsweats 3 or more times a night. I have terrible mood swings and my ears ring constantly. I think my brain is in the clouds most of the time now.
I am a runner and have been for many years (even when I smoked). I have gained 25 pounds and cannot get rid of it. I am training to run a 1/2 marathon for this coming spring but still cannot lose the extra 25 pounds. Runners are not heavy and this is absolutely driving me insane! I don't need to change my diet or to add exercise.
Does anyone have any idea what I can do?