
Period every 5-7 days

by Bree

Hello —almost 39 …been using progesterone cream for 5-6months 200mg or more daily but the last two months I started getting a period every 5-7 days that lasts around 7 days …I’ll have a few days off and it starts again. Do I need to stop the cream? My husband thinks that’s the issue but I’m worried to stop… could you please advise? Also I supplement with vitamin d and magnesium orally and topically ….i have hypothyroidism so am on levothyroxine as well

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Sep 06, 2024
Period every 5-7 days
by: Joy

Hi  Bree

You posed this 5 times.  Did you have problems posting?

You are in Peri-Menopause (PM) and what you are experiencing is normal for most women unfortunately. It is not progesterone causing the bleeding, but PM. I recommend the Heavy/Continual Bleeding/Clots protocol as follows.  It has helped so many women.

400-500mg Natpro Progesterone Cream per day
2000mg N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) per day
2000mg Taurine per day
5000iu's Vitamin D3 per day
1000mg Bioflavanoids or Vitamin C per day

I am pleased that you are taking Vitamin D3and magnesium but what about vitamin K2?  These two nutrients are vital when taking D3. 

Please view this video by Dr David Brownstein on iodine and the thyroid.  Also do some research on Stop the Thyroid Madness website and Facebook Group. They have excellent info on the thyroid. Vitamin D3 helps with this too.

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