by Cathie
(Dallas, Texas, USA)
I am a 54 yr. old woman who had a partial hysterectomy about 3 yrs. ago. They took my uterus and my left ovary because of fibroids and cysts. I didn't go thru an instant menopause, because my right ovary was still functioning.
However, in the last few months, the hot flashes and night sweats have become much more intense. I've also put on my "menopausal pudge" on my lower abdomen. I had been on progesterone therapy back in the 1980's because I had severe PMS. When the hot flashes started I assumed that I was low in estrogen and started taking the supplements that had higher estrogen levels. I began to feel worse!
In discussing this with my chiropractor, he mentioned that perhaps it wasn't estrogen, but progesterone that I was lacking. I just started using your progesterone cream a couple of days ago, and am noticing that the flashes are increasing, but the night sweats are decreasing. I'm also confused by your dosage instructions. How much in teaspoons or fractions thereof is 200mg? I've been trying 1/2 tsp 2 times per day. Could you please clear up my confusion?
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