by D
I am a 52 year old male that has been on BHRT for about four years. I am on Testosterone cream, DHEA (25mg/dy) and Arimidex (1/4 pill twice a week) because of high estradiol levels. I had recently learned of progesterone therapy for men and was willing to give it a try so I started using it as described here and had some labs drawn after about a week on it.
My labs showed:
High testosterone
High estradiol
High RBC blood count
All other values where pretty much normal.
What surprised me was that my progesterone levels were also high at 1.8ng/mL Normal for this lab s (0.0 - 0.1). I don't want to hurt myself but have noticed some improvement in my erectile dysfunction and general overall feeling since starting the progesterone. After getting the labs back I have decreased my testosterone dosage in half and plan on decreasing my DHEA to every other day for a while. I am tired of chasing these levels all the time and wish I could just get off the testosterone but wonder if my body could ever produce enough of its own. Any answers would be very helpful.