by Aj
(Newport Beach, ca)
I am 39 - my third pregnancy. First two smooth!
This time, my u/s shows the development two weeks behind the week based on LMP.
So, week 7 showed up as 4-5 week on u/s & obviously, no fetal pole.
The only change from u/a from two weeks back was the sac had grown a little.
First pregnancy that I had a little but red spotting two days before my 7th ek u/s.
First blood test showed Hcg at 3966 & progesterone at 7 (technically, week 7,2days but 4-5 wks u/s).
Put me on progesterone supplement, vaginally suppository, 100 mg twice a day. Second blood test in an hr to see if Hcg moved up by 60%...
Oh, my cycles have always been on a longer side though I don't recall the u/s being so off in my last two pregnancies.
1. Is there still hope?!
2. I have been feeling a flutter or some kind of stretching feeling my right abdomen (upper) after I take the suppository. Means anything? (For whatever it means, egg was from right ovary!)
Thanks & keep your fingers crossed for me!