just a question or two
by Patti
I got pregnant in September 2013 went to a Dr. and had my progesterone checked, at 6.5 weeks my level was a 4.6, well, finally I got my first appointment with my gyno the next week, when I went the Dr. done a vag ultrasound (7weeks) everything was fine, I told him about having my progesterone level checked and told him it was a 4.6 last week, well, he didn't prescribe me anything for it, or even bother to check it again, told me that it was in the "normal range" so I made another appointment for 4 weeks as I left, about 3 days before the next appointment I had some spotting, so I called the Dr. the nurse told me to not to worry as long as it was NOT bright red and to just put my feet up and relax, so I did that 2 days later when I went to my appointment the Dr. was going to listen to the heart beat with the Doppler thing, well he tried that and there was nothing, so he tried an ultra sound, couldn't see anything, so he did a vag ultra sound, and my baby was gone... then he followed up with a D&C the following Monday December 16th 2013... now it is June 2014 and we have not gotten preggo again, I had my progesterone checked again, but have not gotten the results back yet, its very disappointing to me to think that a simple prescription could have saved my baby, and this month is very hard for me because my baby was due on the 26th. so now im worried that possibly my progesterone is so low I cant get pregnant. im going to wait to get my results back and if my level is low and the Dr. doesn't write me a script for it what should I do?..
Thanks- P.R.