by Kristin
(Minneapolis, MN)
I'm writing you because I feel like I am drowning. I am 30 and have been married for 7 years with a 3.5 year old and an 18 month old.
I'm not sure if this is where I should start or not. I know that something is wrong with me, I just think no one understands because on the outside I seem fine but internally I am dying. I am constantly stressed, tired and can't keep my head above water. Everything is overwhelming to me. I took your test and scored a 54. A FEW of my symptoms are: stress, no desire for sex, brittle nails, a terrible lower back ache that won't go away, my hair is extremely brittle. If I touch it/brush it or pull on it at all it breaks off. It is not falling out, just breaking off. I have a section in the back of my head that is less then two inches long and the rest of my hair is shoulder length. I cry all the time and often think of suicide and feel hopeless.
I have scheduled a doctors appt for tomorrow but am very nervous about it. In my previous experiences with doctors anything hormonal/depression related has been dismissed or medicated. I guess I'm just nervous that she won't be able to help me, she is a family practitioner and not a specialist in these areas. For example, my hair did this about 2 years ago for about 9 months and then seemed to get better. I spoke with my OB about it and she suggested I take Biotin. I tried this and it did nothing. I live in the Minneapolis area, would you recommend I see someone here?
Also, if I started using your cream how much would I use? I am very nervous about using anything like this. I just want to feel normal again. Can you help me with some advice or somewhere to go? Thanks!