
Progesterone cream through menopause

by Beth

I’m in perimenopause …38 using 200-300mg of cream a day for about 5 months but have hit a point where I have extreme fatigue and breast pain and swelling and almost a feeling of panic at times due to high anxiety. I was wondering if this should subside on this dose and if I just continue through menopause, or if there are other things suggested through menopause so that this doesn’t get worse as I don’t know how much longer I can function feeling this way? Taking 10,000 vitamin d3 and magnesium too but nothing seems to be resolving the issues and I’m scared there’s no end in sight….

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Jul 26, 2024
Progesterone cream through menopause
by: Joy

Hi Beth

I see that you have posted twice. Peri-Menopause can be very challenging, it's not easy. Fatigue is one of the symptoms, but it could also be that you are suffering from Insulin Resistance. Anxiety is also a symptom. Please consider taking some of the calming nutrients mentioned on the page. You could also have an iron deficiency and/or thyroid problems.

It is clear to me that progesterone is not yet the dominant hormone which is why you are battling at the moment. Please increase to 400mg per day EVERY day and see how you get on with that. You may even need to go higher just to get you over this difficult time. Experiment, see what works for you best. Please read the How to use Progesterone Cream and Estrogen Dominant pages. Stress will reduce the benefits of progesterone as well as vitamin D3 and other vital nutrients. More of everything needs to be taken during stressful times. Once stress levels are under control, things can be reduced.

Tender breast, again indicates that progesterone is not yet dominant, but it could also mean that you are lacking in iodine. Have you had this tested? Try rubbing Natpro Progesterone Cream on your breasts, it should ease the pain. An iodine deficiency can affect the thyroid.

I am pleased that you are taking 10 000iu's Vitamin D3 a day, I take the same amount. However, are you taking the cofactors? It is not recommended that D3 be taken without them. You are taking magnesium, which is one of them, but how much? It is also a good idea to include another form of magnesium as there are a number of them. I take glycinate and I bathe in Epsom Salts. I get more from my food. Vitamin K2 is vital. Both magnesium and K2 play important roles.

I wish you well but please do not give up. You will get there in the end.

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