After extended breastfeeding experiencing estrogen dominance symptoms
by Margit Waldschmidt
Hi, I found your page while doing a n extensive search on the net, desperately trying to find out whats wrong with me.
I am a young mother (29) of three kids,with the youngest being 2 and a half. I started to show symptoms as soon as I stopped breastfeeding ( after 22 months). These were, heart palpitations after ovulation ( second half of menstrual cycle) , migraines, very bad skin ,black moods and an general feeling of being unwell, plus I really felt cold,( hands and feet in particular). I had a full blood test done and also an ecg , all was fine no imbalances of hormones could be detected and the heart was fine too. Yet these symptoms got worse every month, and I would actually have anxiety attacks in the middle of the night with quite disturbing palpitations. my menstruation also started to be different , longer with at least 5 days of spotting before actual menses which then lasts 7 days. I looked up all these symptoms and it pretty much sounds like a progesteron deficiancy or so calles estrogen dominance. I just bought a bioidentical progesterone cream and am intending to try it on day 12 , yet I am confused as to how much I should use , especially in order to avoid any side effects. the manufacturer says that on pump gives the average 20 mg, , is this the dose i should start with or should i take more? any suggestions would be immensly helpful for me!