PCOS sisters with symptoms of anxiety and pain disorders,.
by Alia
Mrs. Wray,
First I want to say thank you for putting this on the internet. It has opened my eyes and validated my first intuition that what the Doctors tell me is nothing more than text book pharmaceutical salesmanship.
I'm 33 yrs old. After an accidental pregnacy at 19, I was advised by my obgyn to get in depoprovera shots. I continued to use depo until I was 26. The last four years of my depo usage I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, IBS, chronic fatigue syndrome, tinnitus (in both ears), narcolepsy, ADD, chronic back pain, deminishing visual perception, no sexual desire (did not have sex for 4 years while recieving shots w/o missing), and situational depression. I went from 125 lbs to a whopping 190 lbs.
My last shot was in feb 2006. In aug 2006 I began to cramp. I believed it was my returning period. I took some pain meds and went on with my day. The next day I was brought to my knees with pain I crawled to the living room to meet the EMTs. Doctors could not tell me what was wrong other than I had a large fibroid and a 8cm cyst that would burst and I was most likely about to start my period. I went home in a drug induced stuper only to return to the ER the next night in excruciating pain. The OBGYN attendant came down looked at me and yelled "her damn cervix is closed, how did you not seethat mucus plug covering her cervix " she proceded to open my cervix surgically, immediately I felt relief.
My symptoms did not stop. I still was in physical pain, exhausted, and depressed. Now to include my many physical ailments I now have a 6 day period; which is up from 3. The worst cramps ever, up to 45 days or more btw periods, extreme vaginal dryness, decrease clitioral sensation sometimes none at all .
When I went to the doctor about these new symptoms, I was given birth control and a bottle of mineral oil. When my late periods made me think I was pregnant And was later found to not to be, I begin to question why? I had been off depo for 2 years. I wasn't even 30 yet. When I asked the DRs what was going on with me I got no answer. I researched to see if there were women like me who had the same issues during and after depo usage. I found info on PCOS took it to my dr. She agreed and diagnosed me with PCOS, I also researched the amount of time it would take for the depo to get out my system.
I went to a naturalpathic doctor who put me on UNDA numbers to detox my liver and organs. While detoxing my periods ran 28 days but still long and painful. Ive asked my drs to give me hormone test to check my hormone production. She says they are normal, but if that is the case why offer me fake hormones to balance my "normal" hormones. If I'm normal and balanced why am I suffering from depression and now recently diagnosed Anxiety if I'm experiencing complete homeostasis, lol.
I'm ordering your cream for not only me but my little sister who at 22 had emergency surgery just two weeks ago, because a 8cm cyst burst. At her follow up her doctor diagnosed her with PCOS and prescribed Norplant to balance her hormones. I told her no no way no how. How should start this regime and should we get regular blood work to check levels? Again thanks you message is a blessing to those of us who know the body was not built to take on all the synthetics of pharmaceutical world.