by Jessica
I am 30 yr old female of normal weight diagnosed with PCO's 3 years ago and given Metformin to help with Ovulation and regulate cycle which it did successfully for a year. Then I had 5 months with no period until last month when I finally bled again. I suffer from severe and painful acne and light hirsuitism issues also.
I have had blood work done which has highlighted low progesterone on days 21-24 of my cycle repeatedly so I ordered some natural progesterone cream to try. I then went 5 months without a period and had one last month so started taking the progesterone cream. I decided to follow the days 7-27 cycle (2 x 20mg daily) to try and increase my progesterone levels and hopefully induce a bleed when I stopped but am now on day 31 and am still not bleeding although I do have some signs that it might happen (dry eyes, slight pain sore breasts on and off).
I am wondering if I was right to stop the progesterone cream or if I should just continue to take it until I bleed? As my cycles are not regular at the moment and I fairly sure most if not all are annovulatory I don't know when I should be starting and stopping?
Any help you can give would be much appreciated. Regards.
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