What could be wrong with me ?
by Joanie Daley
(Newcastle -United Kingdom)
I'm a 44 year old woman .. a bit of a long story , who for the past 5-6 years has changed so much as a person ...I have always had a little pms before my periods but it never affected me really, then my periods started to become irregular.
One month very painful breasts and depression until my period started, then back to normal, the next one again painful breasts and depression but when my period started they didn't go away. In fact they stayed until the next period and then stopped, then no period or 2 periods in one month .. and this went on for a couple of years but I just got on with it ... but my depression got worse and then anxiety and panic attacks started and they got worse and worse.
I went to the docs who put me on a string of ssris over a few months .. and instead of getting better I went out of control ... now I'm terrified of everything thoughts of walking into traffic while walking along the street .. falling from heights, being alone at home in case something horrible happens to me , the list is endless. I had to take time off work because I wouldn't go out at all, or be left on my own. I went back to the docs who wanted to put me on Valium, but my mother bless her put her foot down and said, no, enough is enough. They're not helping you just making you worse and that I need to change doctors.
I did and my new doctor slowly took me off all the meds and got me some counseling, which has helped a lot. I'm back at work with help from my colleagues who stay with me when I'm not having a good day and going out but only if my husband is with me. A lot better than I was, but the erratic periods and depression and panic attacks are sill as bad if not worse. Some months I feel I have pms for the whole month it seems to never end. I have been back to the doctors and had blood tests done and they say I'm not premenopausal or anything in that nature is wrong and that my symptoms are something I just have to live with.
I have recently been reading about progesterone cream and the stories are so similar to mine I'm now wondering if this is what's wrong with me. I know I have had blood test that say otherwise, but I'm wondering if they could have missed something along the way and am seriously thinking of trying some. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.