I had 2 miscarriages earlier this year and on the last one I had the following test results progesterone 8.7 and HCG 4926. So this means I had low progesterone. I found this website and since June I have been on the cream. I use a tube a month after I have ovulated for about 14 days or until I see blood.
Up until last month everything was going fine the bleeding started at exactly 28 days. However, last month I started bleeding 5 days early (it was also the first month my husband and I tried for a baby again) could I have been pregnant had lost it again? Am I not using enough cream? Should I not try again for a while or am I not ovulating could I have low oestrogen now?
You see I know I had an over dominance of oestrogen. I am a beauty therapist and the brand of product I used for 2 years straight was sooo toxic FULL of parabens and phenoethanol. Each product had up to 5 parabens each and then my make oh gosh I was horrified when I found out so I drastically stopped using the products and have changed to ONLY organic produce foods.
I did the oestrogen dominance test and I scored over 56 so I know I had a problem. I went for a scan and it showed I had a fibriod a small one but still it is there measuring about 2cm.
I need to know how much of the cream should I use?
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