by Lorraine
(New Mexico)
Hi, Wray!
Many articles on the Internet warn that if women do not rotate the application of progesterone cream on different parts of their body, at some point, the skin will be "saturated" and no longer able to absorb anymore progesterone.
I take very large amounts of progesterone a day because of my horrible perimenopausal symptoms. (400-500 mg. per day). For someone like me, who has to take such a large amount of cream, rotation just isn't possible. A person only has so much skin. I have to apply the cream all over my body all throughout the day every single day. Period. (I usually apply 50 mg. hourly).
I am afraid that at some point, the NATPRO product will no longer be effective because of this "saturation" issue that other doctors and bloggers keep bringing up.
Your thoughts?
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