by miranda
Hi wray.. I recently started a progesterone cream 4 days ago. I have a 30-31 day cycle and was told to use it on my 12th day... I didn't go by that because I don't have a 28 day cycle so after reading some of your posts I took it 14 days before my period... my period is on the 24th of every month(usually) so I started using the cream on the this correct?? JWhy would the dr tell me to take it on the 12th? I don't want to mess up my body by not ovulating even further. I am confused as to why women that are still having their menses don't take the progesterone during the follicular phase.. when progesterone is naturally at its lowest... I suffer from pms severely during my luteal phase but was just confused as to why..if my progesterone is at its highest then?? I knew you would be able to help me with that:) Does using the cream during the luteal phase store it for the follicular phase when you are deficient? Well I have been taking 25mg a day... I know you recommend 100-200 a day, but I know you say everyone is different so I wanted to try it... so far I have been much calmer and much more pleasant to be around. I am afraid that if I start taking more that I will need it forever, or I may go thru withdrawals if I feel the need to stop, can this happen?? Should I continue at the 25mg a day if I feel relief? Thanks for all your help!!!
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