by June
(Queensland, Australia)
I am 43 and have been using Natpro for 4 months (4 cycles) without any noticable effect. I started using it for extreme tiredness/fatigue, no energy, insomnia, irritable, moody, depression, and generally feeling unwell.
I had post natal depression 6 years ago and was on antidepressants for about 3 years but came off those about 2 years ago. At first (after starting Natpro) I felt worse, but am persevering due to effects of oestogen dominance.
My question is this: should I keep using the Natpro or stop? As I am thinking I should have had some improvement by now. And also why is it that some women respond so quickly to Progesterone whilst others can take weeks/months? Thanks for your time, but I am on the verge of giving up. I have been using the cream as directed 4.25ml per day for last 14 days of cycle.
Thanks again, and thanks for setting up such a wonderful web-site. It has been helpful just to know that I am not alone with my symptoms and that people like you are here to help and understand as you have been through so much yourself.