by sara
I started using progesterall cream three cycles ago and I think it has messed up my cycle completely. I have benefitted from the cream ( less pms) but still something is not right. I have been using 20mg morning and 40mg night. This last cycle my luteal phase wich is always 14 days only lasted 10 days with heavy bleeding wich i never have. So instead of a 25/26 day cycle I only had 21 days. This cycle I am not ovulating wich I always do!!!! This is very frustrating since we are trying to get pregnant with a second child.
My melasma wich I have had for 6 years is also MUCH darker then it usually is.
Am I using to little? I am following Dr Lees advice wich is way less then you advice.
Thankfull for all the help I can get. I live in Sweden and doctors here haven´t even heard of natural progesterone!!!
Best regards
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