A little help for some family and friends please
by Lance
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I found your site while doing research to help my niece with some debilitating symptoms. She has a website chronicaling her attempt to get relief from her symptoms (http://nearsyncope.blogspot.com/).
She suffers from near syncope, PCOS, neurological pain in her arm, migraines, low blood pressure, I suspect insulin resistance, and a number of other symptoms. I sent her a link to your site to read up on PCOS, hormone levels, and progesterone use. I also sent her a link to this site because it seemed relevant and related.
She has had some relief of her symptoms using the drug Gabipentin/neurontin. I warned her that this drug is addictive and has many bad side effects in the long run. I sent her some links covering the side effects and the current law suits. I explained that its action as a GABA analogue may be masking her symptoms if her near syncope is from insulin resistance (as a side effect of PCOS) and or that its action on the Vagus nerve may be masking the symptoms if her symptoms are related to Neurally Mediated Hypotension (NMH). I also warned her against using a progesterone creme that is not bio identical manufactured from either soy or wild yam. I also explained that there is supposedly a bio identical synthetic progesterone but it has the wrong chiral and does not absorb completely or correctly. Her doctor, I believe, is putting her on a synthetic. She unfortunately seems to feel a false sense of resolution. I was wondering if you could review her website and give me some feedback. I have actually gone into way more detail with her on nutrition, hormones, and environmental toxins than the above would indicate. Also, could you please keep this private until you have developed a dialog with her.
My wife has been aided greatly by the use of progesterone creme throughout her menopause. It is a shame that we did not discover her progesterone deficiency sooner. Perhaps she would not of had to have a 5 pound fibroid removed. She is, however, still encountering severe hot flashes, periods of diminished energy, and achy muscles and joints. Any of the herbal remedies with any estrogen suggested by our local supplement store has made her feel very sick. Do you have any suggestions?
My daughter has overcome endometriosis by having her use progesterone creme. Her doctors wanted to do a hysterectomy. She is now pain free, has more normal moods, and is having normal menstruation.
I also have a friend that had a total hysterectomy last year because of severe endomentriosis. They put her on synthetic estradiol. She is suffering mood swings, excessive sweating and hot flashes. I explained that these symptoms would get worse over time and that her doctor would probably change her estrogen type periodically to help. I also explained that many of her symptoms could be helped with progesterone creme and that she should use it to slow down, stop, or reverse the inevitable loss of bone mass due to low progesterone levels. I had her get some progesterone creme. She had a very bad reaction the first time she used it. I explained the issue of estrogen dominance and had her cut the dose in half and gave her the link to your site on how to use progesterone creme. That seemed to help. She has been using it successfully for several months now. I am not comfortable offering her any advice beyond this. Do you have any advice to her on what to do about her synthetic estradiol or the use of any other supplements to help with her symptoms?
Also, I am a 46 year old male and am curious about my hormone levels. I have been experiencing hot flashes lately.
Sorry to drop this all on you at once. I just feel that I have over stepped my education or competence in this area trying to help family and friends. I am not a doctor or a naturalpath. However, I have not met a doctor that even has achieved my level of incompetence in hormones or nutrition. Now that is scary. So, I have been doing my best with research to help since there are apparently no options in the mainstream medical establishment. Take your time. You are doing me the favor. Thank you in advance. Best wishes.