My Hormonal Rollercoaster Ride. . .
by Pamapause
(Oak Harbor, OH)
Hi... This is not a success of yet...but have high hopes of being able to write "my success story" soon!!
I am 54 yrs old and I am post-menapausal. I started peri-menapause aprox. 12 yrs ago...maybe longer... and have not had a period now for about 10 yrs. I have been suffering way too long and way too much with menapause...peri & post... and the only answer from the dr was to put me on anti-depressants. At times they sorta worked and other times not. Getting off them is a whole nother story in itself!! He also wanted me to do HRT...but I only took it for a few days and got really sick from it...which I thank God for because of learning how bad HRT is for you!!
Menapause is by far the worst thing I've ever had to deal with...other than when I had post-partum the max... and all the years of debilitating PMS!! So...actually...I guess you could say I've been on an "emotional hormonal" rollercoaster for most of my life... and I don't even know how in the world I've made it this far!! That, I would have to say, is only by the Grace of God!! OKAY...I could go on and on and actually write a book about all this but I need to get to where I'm at right I go...
I started using a progesterone cream about a week and half ago but stopped 2 days ago because I was having some terrible "side effects" such as lower back pain, lower abdominal pressure/discomfort...almost like menstrual cramps, breast tenderness, fluid retention, headache, increased hot flashes & sweats, increased insomnia... etc.
I did not know until I read the info on this site, today, that I was experiencing "estrogen dominance" which, from my understanding, is to be expected at first. Well...I'm back using it as of 10am today because I turned into a "crazy" woman without it!! I don't know if I'm doing the right thing but I am decreasing the amount of progesterone cream from a "heaping" 1/4 teaspoon 2 x day down to 1/8 teaspoon 2 x day. I just started back on the cream about an hour and half ago so I won't know for probably a day or two what the outcome will be. I am using another brand of natural pro-gest cream right now but do plan to order "Natpro" because of the great help this site has been for me!!! I was so debilitated by the abrupt discontinuation, as before mentioned, that I was ready to totally give up on ever getting better...
I came across this website this morning and found renewed hope!! "Hope" is about all that I have to hang onto right now!! I hope and pray, perhaps within a few weeks or so, to be writing "My Success Story" about how progesterone turned my lfe back around and gave me back my "sanity"!! I am starting to believe that this would have been a "miracle" for me many years ago! As the saying goes...."Oh if I had only known back then what I know different my life could have been"!!
I hope this helps someone!! And hopefully I will be back soon to give a "positive" update!! That's all for now....."Pamapause" :)