I can't lose weight!
by Chris
(Seattle, WA, USA)
Dear Wray,
I really never had a problem until I went to my gyno a year ago. My gnyo said that I have to be on estrodial, that I needed to because it would guard against Alzheimers and good for my bones. At that time I was on a natural progesterone and he told me that this would cause cancer since I have had a total hysterectomy. last summer before I took the estrodial I was doing triathlons and feeling great. Today I am twenty five pounds heavier and I cannot lose weight, no matter what. If I just didn't go to my gyno I would be doing great. I stopped the estrodial about four months on it but still cannot lose weight. And now, I went to naturopath doctor and did all kinds of tests, blood and saliva. Turns out my thyroid is low, my d3 is low, progesterone is low, DHEA is low, and testosterone is low. I am now taking thyroid meds, d3 at 5000IU, DHEA at 10mg, and my doctor is adamant that I take progesterone in a troche form. I started out taking 50 mcg for a week and now up to 100mcg. The problem now I cannot sleep, I keep waking up all night. And I hate being so fat! UGG! What should I do??? Help, I am 58 years old,.