A million questions
by Patti
I had 2 miscarriages in 6 months last year, one at the end of June 2013, and one at the beginning of December 2013, during this pregnancy I went to the Dr. and had her to check my progesterone, at 6 weeks my level was a 4.6 (LOW). I had a tubal reversal in February 2013. that being said, we are now post 7 months after the last miscarriage, and have been TTC for 5 months, nothing has happened, so I went to my Dr. and asked her to check my progesterone. She did and I got my results back, on the 14th day of my cycle my level was at a 0.5 im only 33 years old, will be 34 next month (August). my Dr. prescribed Provera 10mg oral tablets to me to take during days 15-25. but the more I read about it, im not so sure I want to take the tablets as they are a synthetic form of progesterone, but my Dr. told me that 9 out of 10 patients are pregnant by the second month on this medication... I want to go ahead and get pregnant and have my baby, as my Husband and I have a "cut-off" notice, neither of us want to be having anymore babies after I am 36. My ? is will this synthetic version of progesterone help me to get pregnant?. or should I just forget about it all together?. or should I try to get the Dr. to write a script for something different, if she will?.i am on the 8th day of my cycle today, so I have only a few days to make up my mind. please help me decide, im about ready to pull my hair out.
Thank You - Patti