by Natalie
(Qld, Australia)
Dear Wray,
I am hoping you can help me understand things a bit better. I'm 41 years old, birthed 8 healthy children. My youngest just turned 2 in August. This year I have miscarried 3 times, plus one miscarriage before I fell pregnant with baby number 8.
My Dr has done a lot of tests and nothing has shown up to explain the miscarriages. I am assuming it is to with progesterone even though tests showed I had adequate amounts. I am also still breastfeeding my two year old and have continuously breastfed for the last 6 & 1/2 years with previous babies and toddlers.
I've always had mild morning sickness with each pregnancy, and it was actually the first sign to me that I'd lost a baby as the nausea would go. However I noticed you've advised pregnant women many times to use progesterone cream and to keep using/increase dose at any times they feel morning sickness. So is morning sickness normal or not in pregnancy? I take comfort in the nausea as I know I still have a little one inside me.