by del5del
Background: Very early onset of menstruation, oily skin. I've always had straight thick hair. At age 35 I suddenly got curls in the crown area. Fast forward to now: age 48. During routine bloodwork at age 45 diagnosed hypothyroid and low Vit D. Taking T3 for last two years. I noticed hair thinning the last few years, so I started Rogaine a year ago, last May, with great results. Shedding stopped and over the course of 6 months hair thickened some. Because of results of a saliva test, I started a low dose of progesterone cream last October. I used progesterone for about 4-5 months. Good results...less anxiety, slept better, got compliments on my hair and skin, curl in hair even became more manageable. For some reason I decided I was "cured" and quit the progesterone cream about 3 or so months ago. Within a month I suddenly had horrible anxiety and sleep problems. My OB gave me low dose Xanax to take at bedtime, which helped. THEN...a couple months ago, about 2-3 months after I stopped the progesterone cream. my hair started shedding like crazy! I have never experienced anything like this in my life. It's been awful! It took me until last week to realize that there was possibly a connection between stopping the prog cream and the anxiety onset and hair loss. So last week I started back on the progesterone cream, but I'm still shedding. Now I am in a total panic that the shedding won't ever stop and that I've damaged something with my thyroid or started some autoimmune issue. What do I do?
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