I recently took a saliva hormone test from ZRT Labs and my DO said I had high testosterone and gave me little advice or help as to what to do about it.
Here are my results and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Estradol - 2.5
Progesterone - 59 (L)
Pg/E2 - 24 (L)
Testosterone - 53
DHEAS - 17.3
Cortisol (A.M.) - 6.1
Cortisol (NOON) - 3.4 (H)
Cortisol (P.M.) - 0.9
Cirtisol (Night) - 0.9
Lab comments were "testosterone is within high/normal range. DHEAS is higher than the age expected range."
My DO wasn't any help at all and I do not understand the ranges and if I am truly in range or not. I am 47 and since last March been dealing with extreme depression and anxiety to the point of losing 60 lbs from not being able to eat because I always feel like something bad is going to happen and this upsets me. Also last March I had an aspiration done to remove a cyst in my breast. Periods are heavy and just in the last couple of months have been 31-32 days apart instead of my normal 26-28 day cycle.
Please help in any way.
Thank you!
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