by catherine
Hej Wray
I came across your site and I really need help:
My story is very long but I will shorten it by telling how situation is now.
depression since 15 year old.
I am 36 years old, have three children and currently having a severe kind of estrogen dominance. I am totally paralyzed mentally and physically and suicidal and only waiting for a miracle relieving my symptoms.'
Earlier I have had 3 surgery for removing mild endometriosis.
I have during the past 2 years used serenity progesterone 1/8 teaspoon twice daily and only for a couple of days because of worsening.
the last 3 month my period has been messed but normally I have it every 26-28 days
I am allergic to even small amounts of medication, foods act. very sensitive in all ways
I currantly take 25 mg zoloft
and 25 ug D3
20 mg omeprazole antacid
I am constantly in pain and depressed. My stomach hurts every minute of the day. joint aches and only stock to my sofa all day.
After I have read your site I have ordered natpro and would like to give it a chance as this is my last hope but need advice on dosing and somebody to follow me. please help
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