
Disagree with Doctor's Progesterone dosage recommendation

by Wendy
(Los Angeles, California, USA)

I'm 50 years old and still menstruating monthly, if not more so. My cycles had run about 26 days since I started using store bought progesterone cream 14 years ago; previous to that my cycle had shortened from 28 days to 21. For about one year I've been having a period approximately every 14 days. I was usually able to attribute this to forgetting to use my cream, just skipping once on the prior day would bring it on. Although lately it seems to happen regardless of how diligent my usage has been. For three years I have been working with a Dr who specializes in bio-identical hormones. I have recently completed a saliva test and don't agree with his recommendations. He prescribed 45mg Progesterone day 5-26, Biest (50/50) 1.25 MG daily, 100mg DIM per day.Here are my test results from saliva collected day 18:
Estradiol 1.6
Progesterone 308
Ratio Pg/E2 192
testosterone 57
DHEA 6.2
Tyroid blood tests are all normal, not even close to high/low

I have played with my progesterone dosage in the past year and noticed feeling somewhat better if I increased to 67.5mg. I explained this to him but he wants me to go with his recommended dosage.

I have not used Estrogen in the past and when have tried it a few times recently, I notice a great increase in my hypoglycemic symptoms. Hypoglycemia is a real battle for me, especially just prior to my period.

My hair and skin are thinning rapidly. I sometimes experience night palpitations just prior to my cycle. My doctor explains estrogen will really help with these symptoms.

It is my opinion that my Progesterone should be increased significantly, especially if I am to use Estrogen. So confused, what to do?.....

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Jul 07, 2015
In addition
by: Wendy (Poster)

I should add that I have a multitude of estrogen dominant symptoms and my cortisol levels are consistently high.

Jul 09, 2015
Disagree with Doctor's Progesterone dosage recommendation
by: Joy

Hi Wendy

At 50 you are well into Peri-Menopause when cycles become irregular as you are experiencing. You might like to read the Menopause page as well.

I also disagree with your doctor for a number of reasons. (a) You should be using progesterone cream every day with no stopping. (b) I don't believe that any woman should be using estrogen as there are well over 100 estrogen mimics in our environments as it is, please read Our Stolen Future This is only going to create adverse Estrogen Dominance symptoms, which would explain your adverse symptoms. (c) You are not using enough progesterone, nothing less than 100-200mg per day is needed, more if symptoms are severe. Please read How to use Progesterone Cream. It is also most important that a progesterone cream is used which delivers the correct amount of progesterone.

You are correct, your progesterone/estrogen ratio is 192:1, it should be 600:1. Please read the Hormone Testing page. Do you know what your Vitamin D level is as a deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone.

Hope this helps.

Jul 18, 2015
by: Wendy

Thank you Joy.

I do not know what my vitamin D level was but my Doctor did say it was low and now has me taking 5,000 per day.

I'm working my way up on progesterone, presently using 100 per day.

Have to tell you I feel pretty miserable. My body feels like it wants/needs to have a period. The calendar shows I am 18 days into my cycle but I have that feeling I get when it's any moment.

It feels to me as though the fibroid tumor which has been non-problematic for years, has suddenly grown and is putting great pressure on my bladder and bowel. Have an ultrasound scheduled for next week to take a look at it. I'm very uncomfortable, don't know what to do.

Jul 23, 2015
by: Anonymous

Hello Wendy,came across your site,and I so agreed with you and I have a concern about estrogen dominance and the bio identical hormones that I am on.Here's my prescription BI-EST 10/MG/GM Two Clicks that I dispense in the morning.Progesteron 60/Mg/Gm Two Clicks at night.It comes in a bottle that you turn the dial and it dispenses through small holes you apply it on different areas legs arm stomach.I started menopausal 10 years ago horrible depression and anxiety every symptom I had it.I have done so much research on this I could write a book.I have, had my hormones checked by saliva and blood so I know they can have different readings. Just had a saliva test done two months ago. I know that im estrogen dominance so why does this doctor have both of these hormones? Every now and I start feeling hot flashes coming on.Just a couple a couple of days ago anxiety came on bad I thought what is going on. Plus I take 75 mg of Zoloft to.I need your opinion on this.I would appreciate your help. Barbara Richey.

Jul 29, 2015
by: Joy

Hi Barbara

I think you maybe a little confused about whose website this is. It's Wray Whyte's, Wendy is the person who started this thread.

I am afraid that the cream that you are using is only going to add to your Estrogen Dominance symptoms, no woman needs to take extra as there are over 100 estrogen mimics in our envirnonment as it is, why take more? Please read Our Stolen Future. The amount of progesterone you are using is not enough either and will merely aggravate your estrogen receptors, again causing estrogen dominance symptoms. It is vital that the correct progesterone cream is used. Please read How to use Progesterone Cream.

Menopause is a torrid time and progesterone therapy is very much needed, the Anxiety page will also help you. For Hot Flushes you need to use 400-500mg progesterone for 4-6 days or until they clear, then you can slowly reduce by 16-20mg at a time. If you reduce too soon and by too much they will return.

You will probably be able to wean off the Zoloft, again slowly, by using progesterone, vitamin D3 and magnesium. You might also like to look at a list of natural anti-depressants. Vitamin D3 is vital, if deficient it reduces the benefits of progesterone, did you doctor tell you that? It is also good for depression and anxiety.

To answer your question about why your doctor has prescribed both hormones, well that's simple really. He prefers drugs, not much money to be made in natural products. Some doctors either do not want to know of the benefits of natural progesterone, or they do but prefer drugs. Then we have doctors who simply overlook progesterone, at least your doctor agreed even though it is the incorrect method.

Hope this has helped you.

Oct 08, 2015
Checking in for update..
by: Wendy

I have come to the conclusion my Doctor, sweet as he may be, is not a reliable source of information. I discussed my last test results with him at my recent visit and he has completely different advice than he did when we first went over the numbers.

In explaining my symptoms to him, he agrees no estrogen, which I haven't been using anyhow. He has finally agreed to increase my prescribed amount of progesterone as I told him I have been using more than he prescribed and feel somewhat better on a higher dosage. However, I was not prepared to pay double the price at the compounding pharmacy as a result.

Have to admit I still have not increased to more than 100mg per day but obviously need to do something as I am still having a period every two weeks. I'm somewhat reluctant to use more after reading about side effects but have to remember back to when I began using a small dose of otc cream many years ago and how it dramatically changed my life for the better. I know without doubt progesterone cream works, it's finding the right dosage that's the problem. As well as the cost :-(

I am considering going back to Emerita or trying Natpro if these options are more cost effective.

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