Severe exhaustion upon waking
I'm 20 years old and for about the past 1.5yrs now, I've had the same symptoms, getting worse over time; and now, I've just lost it and HAVE to fix this.
No matter how much sleep I get, I ALWAYS wake up SEVERELY exhausted.
I also wake up 1-2 times/night, mostly because I *need* to wake up to urinate... no matter how much/little water I've drank. I don't drink much before bed, but it still happens. I also have to urinate constantly throughout the day... again, no matter how much/little water I drink, it STILL happens!! It's so embarassing to constantly being running to the bathroom while at work.
I took the questionarre on here and scored a 28. My periods were regular for a while, but this month it was 2 weeks late. It started Thursday, was extremely heavy for the first 2-3 days (this is normal for me), then became much lighter. It is now Tuesday and it's over, with the exception of only a small ammount of blood on the tissue after peeing.
My main concern is the waking up tired... I'm literally SO exhausted, I can't get out of bed for hours. I guilt myself into getting up, and when I do, am so exhausted I still can't do ANYTHING. I work out every morning, and lately, my workouts have suffered tremendously. I can't do 20 minutes of cardio even! It's killing me.
I'm on the verge of buying hydrocortisone, because I know it's an adrenal issue... but it's SO expensive! I've read a few reviews, people saying progesterone treatment/cream has helped them wake up feeling soo much better. I REALLY hope this helps me... I'm insterested to see if anyone thinks it will?
I know the progesterone is related to cortisol creation in the adrenals... so if I could take that, rather than cortisol, I think it would be better to start that way.
But I'd love, and REALLY REALLY appreciate some feedback/help. Thank you soo much.