
Progesterone Increase Side Effects

by Hannah
(USA )

Hi there, I’ve been slowly increasing my progesterone cream from 100mg, taking day 14-28, now to daily for 6 weeks and have increased to 400mg. The thought behind the daily intake was to see if it would help correct estrogen dominance. I’ve experienced odd symptoms with this daily dosage,the most concerning being a cycle starting 7 days after my last and heavy or prolonged bleeding. Is this a common side effect of increase? Should I go back to cycling day 14-28 using 100-200mg? Thank you for any help you can provide!

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Jul 12, 2024
Progesterone increase Side Effects
by: Joy

Hi Hannah

Progesterone therapy is not an overnight fix. It takes between 2-6 months, possibly longer before one notices a difference. It all depends on how severe symptoms are. Usually between 100-200mg per day is needed. If you are only dealing with mild Estrogen Dominance symptoms then the 200mg per day should have helped you, given time. There is however, nothing wrong with increasing to 400mg per day, but why if not needed? May I suggest that you stick with the 400mg every day until your body adjusts and your cycle returns to normal again. Once that happens, the cream should be used by following a regular monthly cycle i.e. your luteal phase. The cycle also becomes erratic during this time. Please give your body time to adjust.

You do not mention your age. This is important as you could also be in Peri-Menopause where Natpro should be used every day unless you are wanting to conceive.

Also what is your Vitamin D3 level? A deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone. It is connected to every single functioning cell in our bodies, making it vital. D3 should not be taken with the cofactors. Please do some research on that.

Jul 12, 2024
by: Hannah

Thank you for this detailed response! I am 43. My cycles have always been normal and consistent until increasing progesterone daily to 400mg. My Vit D is low and I have sub clinical hypothyroidism. I am currently working on these. After further research, I may have assumed some of the thyroid and D deficiencies were estrogen dominance since some symptoms are similar. Good to know that 400mg is still safe, however sounds like taking that much may not be that necessary.

Jul 14, 2024
Progesterone increase Side Effects
by: Joy

Hi Hannah

Thanks for the update. You very clearly are in Peri-Menopause, a time when the monthly cycle becomes erratic. No amount of progesterone and any other product will change this. Progesterone certainly will help and prepare one for Menopause. Experiment and see what amount suits you best. 400mg is certainly safe. The late Dr Kittie Dalton administered 2400mg to those suffering from severe depression and psychosis. 1400mg is given to those suffering from Traumatic Brain Injury.

Are you taking iodine? Please look at this video by Dr David Brownstein where he discusses the importance of it and the thyroid. Vitamin D3 is vital for the thyroid.

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