
The never ending period

by Margaret

I'm in my early 40s and have always had irregular periods, growing increasingly heavy as I got older. I was also diagnosed with PCOS in the early 90s and put on some medication (including the birth control pill) but in the early 00's was taken off it as the doctors didn't feel it was necessary.

Last July my period was extra heavy and turned into a flood unlike anything I'd ever known before - and it didn't stop, literally I eventually went to the doctor & gyno and after much concern and testing I was given the all clear on the 'big issues' and was diagnosed with adenomyisis. I was given a D&C and the Mirina Coil and that made the bleeding volume much more a regular to heavy flow but it still didn't stop. I was then put on the birth control pill again but it still didn't stop. I've now been told that there is nothing more the doctors can do other than a hysterectomy. To me that is an extreme that I'm not comfortable with and want to try every alternative first. I've tried traditional Chinese medicine but they too have given up now. I've been dieting (under advise) in the hope that getting to my ideal weight would help, and the weight is shifting but oh so slowly for such a strict diet. And it hasn't made a difference to the bleeding yet, but I'm not giving up yet.

So I'm coming up to the one year mark of my period and I'm very frustrated with the medical community. I've been researching this as much as I can on my own and can find nothing about adenomysis causing a never ending period, so suspect this is perhaps more a hormonal imbalance issue. I asked to see a hormone specialist but was told that since I was already on hormonal medication there was no point. Sigh. So I'm on my own - and boy do I feel it as I can't even find much out there for situations such as mine. But this site has given me hope. So the cream has been ordered and I'm trying to work out how much to use. Is 400mg the best place to start?

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