
Extreme anxiety and Sleep issues

by Renee
(Washington DC)

I am 47, I have my periods every month although they are not as long (1-2 days) versus 3-5 days before. I have sleep disturbances most days of the month; it is so hard to keep it going with work. I have extreme anxiety as well these days and deathly worried about things that I would normally have not cared about otherwise. I recently went to a doctor that works with BHRT. They tested blood levels and found progesterone was low and prescribed oral Bio-progesterone 50mg to take in the night. I have been for the last 4 weeks or so, neither my sleep nor my anxiety has improved. In fact, I feel more anxious. I would greatly appreciate if anybody has any insights, thoughts on this? If something worked for you, please let me know. Thanks.

Comments for Extreme anxiety and Sleep issues

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Sep 07, 2015
Hang in there and up your dose
by: Anonymous

Hi I had very similar issues and it was not until,I went to about 230 mg per day of progesterone cream ( not oral ) and it took about 2 month to really notice the positive effect.

So please up your progesterone to over 200mg per day split into 2 doses am and pm and be patient it will help.

I have Been amazed how my anxiety and mood is not an issue anymore and I sleep well !!

Sep 08, 2015
by: Renee


Thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts. Couple follow up questions: do you take the progesterone without a break? If you do, do you continue through any bleeding? Thanks in advance.

Sep 12, 2015
Anxiety no more!!
by: Anonymous

Yes non stop .... I'm now 51 and no longer bleed but a few years ago when I was still bleeding I would break once the bleeding started for maybe 5 days then right back on ...
I think when you use it primarily for anxiety it's best to stay on--non stop .

I have since been able to lower my dose to about 100 mg per day but when I first started I followed Wrays advise and went to the 200mg right away ( I was having severe anxiety) then I went all the way up to 250 per day and then found that around 230 was good for me

Indidnthatbfor almots a year and did not have relief from anxiety completely for about 2-3 months but after that it was like I never had anxiety I felt so " normal".

Now it's been 2 years and I feel so great !! I just say hang in there it works but needs some time :)

Sep 19, 2015
Sorry I answered before but it never posted
by: Anonymous

Yes thru bleeding
I'm no longer having my cycle now but when i started I was and I stayed on it continuously for almots 1 year now recently I have dropped my dosage slowly to half as much and I am holding quite well with no anxiety very calm :)

Hope this helps .... Oh I take 5000mg vitamin D everyday in a sublingual liquid and magnesium 500mg per day

Sep 22, 2015
Extreme anxiety and Sleep issues
by: Joy

Hi Renee

Unfortunately you have not been advised on how to use progesterone correctly, please read How to use Progesterone Cream and Estrogen Dominance. You are now in Peri-Menopause which is a difficult time for most women. Progesterone needs to be used every day when in Peri-Menopause and Menopause. It is so important to use the correct amount of progesterone too. The amount suggested is incorrect and as Anonymous says, 'hang in there and up your dose'. You should be using 200mg per day, more maybe needed, but it is so important to use a progesterone cream that has the correct progesterone concentration.

You might like to read the Anxiety page. Do you know what your Vitamin D3 level is as a deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone.

I hope this helps.

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