by Shirley
(BC, Canada)
Hi there
I have long suspected from various things I have read that I have had estrogen dominance, but have never done anything about it. Also, I have psoriasis and now psoriatic arthritis. I always wondered why when I was pregnant my psoriasis cleared up. I have had 3 pregnancies and I am now 52. When I came upon your site I again started reading and learning and I saw something about psoriasis - it got me excited even though the doctors always told me there was no hormonal connection to psoriasis. I always wondered though.....after I had my babies it always came back. I have had psoriasis since 16. I have had many of the symptoms of estrogen dominance, but not so much now, have been in perimenopause for a long time (over 10 years). Now in the last 8 months I have had only 2 periods, so do not suffer the hormonal migraines and monthly bloating and sore breasts etc (thankfully). I started using your cream on July 3 (about 6 weeks ago) and have not yet noticed any changes in the psoriasis. IF it is going to help, how long should it take before I notice some improvement, and how much should I use? I have been using 1/2 tsp a day in divided doses. sorry this is so long, thank you for your site and your help. Shirley
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