Help! Can Progesterone help my 8 year old daughter?
by Rachel Rasmussen
(Purple Springs)
I have been on Natpro for six months now, and have finally tweaked out the timing and dosage perfectly, and really feel great. So, that's probably why I'm jumping to conclusions with my daughter. In retrospect, I'm fairly certain I was progesterone deficient in grade 4 (thats when I first got depressed, withdrawn, and foggy headed). Now my daughter is starting to show these symptoms, not to mention a surplus of body hair, body oder, and most disturbingly, a return of her infant epilepsy in the form of complex partial seizures. So, now of course she isn't ovulating, but could a surge of estrogen be causing this? I've read so much on the posotive effects progesterone is having in treating epilepsy, and I'm desperate to keep her off those horrible zombie drugs they prescribed her last time. She has some appointments with paediatricians who specialize, but I don't have high hopes that hormones will even be humoured as a topic of discussion (even thoigh they warned me five years ago, that if the epilepsy was going to return, it would be during a growth spurt. A growth spurt uses a lot of progesterone, right? Potentially causing a deficiency, right? Maybe?) So, you you have anything on this topic? And how might I dose a prepubescent?