by Natalia
(Abu Dhabi)
I had a low B12 count several months ago and had a few injections to increase the blood count. I was fine for about 3 months but then the tingling started again and with menses I was extremely exhausted. Then I was prescribed Zoloft (antidepressant).
It has helped with memory and fatigue. Only I was feeling rather numbed... I started using progestin which I know is a synthetic form of progesterone... so I will have to find the progesterone cream. It has helped me to feel more alive but I am still getting tingling on my face and scalp! I am only using 10mg of progestin for 10 days from the 16th day of my cycle to help with my fibroid. What must I do?
I always had tingling on my scalp from the age of 18 but thought it was my low blood pressure. Is it serotonin, B12 or more progesterone that I need? I notice the tingling is more severe when I am around people. My emotions are better though... no depression or short-temperedness. There has been progress. I just need to know what to do further.
Can I be affecting the Estridiol (estrogen) levels?
Help Please! I have done sooooooo much reading from Wray and it has helped. I even have to give my GYN information!
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