Severe hot flashes
by Vicki
(New Mexico)
Several years ago I was put on bio-identical Progesterone by my doctor for several symptoms related to peri-menopause: depression, weight gain, some hot flashes, mood swings. I was helped greatly and was only using the prescribed amount of about .5 ml of a 40 mg per ml formula. Gradually, I got off it as symptoms subsided and my Dr. left town. I was diagnosed with Metbolic Syndrome during this time with high cholesterol and stubborn weight.
I'm now 59 and have missed my first 4 periods in a row. I'd only missed 1 per yer for 2 years. Otherwise my cycle was regular and not problematic. Starting a few months ago I suddenly began to have intense hot flashes about 20 minutes apart, all day, all night. My sleep went from being not the best to really terrible, up at night every hour, often unable to fall back to sleep.
My new Dr. respected my wishes to get back on progesterone. I also take pregnenolone (just 10 mg) and had been on Vitex, Planetary Herbals Woman's Treasure combination and Maca. I have stopped the herbs and now, since reading your website, am taking 3 full syringes of cream (40 mg x 3=120 mg) plus applying some Vit E with Progesterone to stretch the very expensive cream. I just began your Energy Boost powder since I was told I'm borderline diabetic, have cut out sugar and bad fats at my acupuncturist's recommendation.
How do I get enough of the cream? I now have somewhat less severe hot flashes and less often, definitely better but I would like to be able to sleep and not suddenly be dripping wet, red as a beet and feeling like I'm on fire during the day. At least the hot flashes are only about every hour instead of 3 an hour! After 5 in the evening it gets worse.
Is it possible since I had a tubal ligation about 13 years ago that my metabolic problems could be related to low progesterone?
I am so thankful I found your website. The best information I've ever found on the subject!