I am 45. My periods start on day 21 now instead of usual 28 and became heavier. I have very low energy, no libido, and take bioidentical thyroid hormones because I had my thyroid removed 6 years ago (My thyroid level is within normal range).
My HRT doctor prescribed 200mg bioidentical oral progesteron for a days 14 through 28. After taking it for 1-2 cycles, I started having very bad migraines, lasting couple days, during ovulation and before periods. My Doctor icreased the dosage to 300mg to take every day.
When I started taking it daily, I started gaining weight so I stopped taking it every day, wasn't taking it for one cycle at all and current cycle taking 200mg for the days 14 through 28th again. Not sure if I should be taking 300mg and if I should take it everyday or only for the last 14 days to normalize the cycle, not to get migraines, and to drop weight (I always was slim and eating healthy).
Very hoping to get an advise.
Thank You,
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