by Vianne
Dear Wray,
Could you please guide me on specifics and dosage for purchasing/using bioidentical progesterone cream? My specifics:
• I am 59 years of age, menopause commenced 10 years ago
• The only menopausal symptoms I have ever experienced are continued weight gain, and more recently, lack of energy/strength.
• I went from 155 lbs. to my current weight of 225 lbs. My chest went from 38C to 44 DD. I can’t see my feet, and have bruises on my chest from bumping into things.
• Finally found a naturopath who at least understands BHRT and had a saliva test done:
• Estradiol = 3.6
• Progesterone = 29.95
• Testosterone = 38.85
• DHEA = 229.77
• Ratio PG/E = 8.33
• The naturopath won’t prescribe more than 50 mg of progesterone, but cautions me it won’t help me lose weight. (Duh . . . )
• The naturopath also insists that my weight issue is my thyroid (had a test done a few years ago and it came back “perfect,” and the only real hypothyroid symptom I have is the inability to lose weight.) I don’t have the money or time to waste on a thyroid test or anything else involving “doctors.”
• For me, it is obvious: Before menopause I ate what I wanted, lots of walking but no other exercise, maintained the same weight for years. Since menopause, no matter what I eat or how much I exercise I continue to gain weight. This is about hormones.
• About 2 weeks ago I started using product with 480 mg Progesterone USP, 360 mg Pregnonolone, 360 mgs 7-Keto DHEA Acetate. ach pump is 20 mgs.
• Graduated up to 100 mgs/day, and have experienced some bloating (expected) and loose stool. Both seem to be easing off.
Where do I go from here? I just learned about your products. Which do you suggest for a more concentrated product per pump?
Should I stay at the 100 mgs or use more? How long to know if the dose is effective? I want/need (for overall health) to start moving this weight. To be clear, my intention is NOT a fast weight loss, but I am committed to starting and continuing progress. And I can’t afford to waste money putzing around at an ineffective dosage that is too low.
Wray, I appreciate you’re being here for all of us and giving us hope!