This page is to enable anyone to have their say about the benefits of progesterone.
If you have overcome an illness or condition with progesterone therapy then we'd love to hear it. Sharing it will help us all get a better understanding of just how important progesterone is in solving a wide range of health issues.
Alternatively, if you have a health concern that you believe may relate to progesterone then let others know of it right here. The chances are you're not alone and others with similar concerns to yours are likely only too willing to help you with advice and guidance based on their experiences.
Click on the links below to see contributions and comments from other visitors to this page...
Progesterone indefinitely
So I had a mishap that caused heavy bleeding after supplements given by naturopath. It gave me higher prolactin and estrogen. I need to rectify this …
Change in progesterone dosage
Hi all!
I wrote here awhile ago when I was playing around with my dosage of progesterone. My doctor put me on oral progesterone, and I’ve been on it …
My experience
I tried natpro for 10 months. I felt better mentally and slept better almost immediately, but my hair was falling out in clumps and my period stopped …
Feel better when I miss a dose
Hi there I’ve been on progesterone cream for about 15 years using 200mg twice a day but what I don’t understand is that I feel depressed most of the time …
Hormone levels
Firstly I am so sorry to write again, however I cannot find my original post I really don’t know how to??
I wanted to ask your advice, I have been diagnosed …
Can you help me progesterone levels
So I wondered if I tell you my levels if you could tell me if they would be what is causing the symptoms I am having?
Progesterone stopped my long term period bleeding!
Using USP wild yam progesterone cream has STOPPED my chronic, long term, heavy, period bleeds when doctors haven’t helped me for several years and when …
Progesterone for postpartum and breastfeeding
Hi Wray,
I have symptoms of estrogen dominance and am currently pregnant. Can I use progesterone cream right after giving birth? I plan on breastfeeding …
Could the preglenelone be turning into cortisol in my body instead of progesteone??
Hello I’ve been on 200mg bioidentical progesteone now for about 3 weeks. I mistakenly stopped at cycle day 28 and developed horrible insomnia not sleeping …
Menopause No period for 6 months
2019 was the year from hell with all my Peri symptoms that almost sent me into the river in despair. Insomnia, dry skin, depression worse then I've …
Progesterone and surgery/anesthesia?
Progesterone and surgery/anesthesia
I have scoured the Internet high and low and cannot seem to find any information regarding progesterone specifically …
Sleep is still an issue on progesterone cream
I am 43 and about 6 months ago I started having insomnia, anxiety, mild depression, heart palpitations - it went on for a few weeks and I went to see a …
Progesterone and this website have saved me!
I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me! This website has saved my life. I wish I could have met Wray, even just in email, to tell her …
NAC question
Hi! In what way can NAC help?
Started Progesterone therapy 100mg and I have a headache and extreme thirst
I just started Progesterone therapy with 100mg troches. It has only been 3 days and I am experiencing a constant dull headache and I cannot seem to get …
Progesterone and 60
I am 60 and don't have any symptoms of menopause any more. I have used natural progesterone for almost 10 years.
If I forget to use it in the morning, …
Here’s my story
Since having children I became aware of a pattern of physical and mental behaviours my body would show. My pregnancies would be dream like and I become …
Progesterone helping but causing Dry, Red skin?
First of all, I want to say THANK YOU for this site. Reading through all the info has finally given me the courage to increase my progesterone dose and …
I have low Pregnenolone, iodine and thyroid.
I do have low energy, cold hands and feet, and like to sleep at least 8-9 hours a night. My blood work has shown all three of them are low, but have only …
waiting to try Progesterone
Starting at the age of 13 I started my cycle and migraines began too. At age 30 I had a particle hysterectomy due to endometriosis and then a the last …
progestrone cream
Using progestrone cream has greatly helped menopausal symptoms. Sadly for me I discovered this stuff after 15 years of suffereing despite using the estrogen …
Vitamin D
Hello joy I wrote to you a month ago that my symptoms were creeping back in so I upped my progesterone to 600 mgs a day and finally stated to level out. …
Is it okay to stop progesterone early in pregnancy.
Hello Wray,
I had a miscarriage at 9wks. I was on progesterone suppository for about 1 wk around 4wks to strengthen uterine lining. Progesterone level …
Bio identical hormones and massive weight gain
My doctor insists that it is the progesterone which I am taking which has gained me all this weight, I feel that it's the oestrogen and testosterone!! …
Progesterone stopped my peri-menopausal flooding, acne, and other symptoms of imbalance.
After having regular menstrual cycles my whole life, I skipped my period for about 90 days 3 months after I turned 45.
I also started having severe …
Hi there,
I've been getting very bad headaches for the last few months, kinda since I started my natural progesterone cream. I'm taking 100g daily. …
Menopausal with weight gain despite a low carb high fat diet and bioindentical hormones
I am 48 years old and on bio-identiacal hormones for 3 years. My symptoms came on very quickly with constant unbearable hot flashes, vaginal thinness …
Will it help my hair loss
I am 35 year old female who has been suffering hair loss for over 7 years now.
I have never tried rogaine or any other medications as I feel I don't …
Post on website
Hi Wray
I did try to edit my post this but seems you've posted without my amendments. When I tried you email you your email address was not recognized. …
Mirena Coil hair loss UK doctors not helpful
Im 47 and had the iud mirena coil fitted 5 years ago as a last resort to deal with menorrhagia Within the first year i noticed my hair thinning, but …
Baby after 4 miscarriages
After 4 devastating miscarriages and the death of my trisomy 18 baby, I had my son at age 40. I know the only difference was the use of progesterone cream. …
My history and some questions...
Hi firstly thank you to Wray - how amazing is this site!? I so appreciate all the info on here. Its so empowering for women when our health system lets …
Cortisol, Progesterone, and Hypopituitarism
My story:
The pieces of my puzzle are coming together now.
I was prescribed Prednicarbate ointment at around 8 years old for chronic eczema that …
Hoping um finally on the right track
Ive shared my story thus far .However 3 months ago after weeks if no sleep and pusging nysekf through every task, I had a complete breakdown unable to …
Saliva or Blood test?
Dear Progesterone Therapy
I know you answer questions about general use of progesterone creams in addition to just using Natpro. I've been wanting to …
Desperate situation
Im not sure if anyone is reading these anymore but im desperation Im going to post to hope it might shed light on how important Natpro is to some people …
Bleeding in between periods
I have loved my progesterone mostly, but these last two months I have started bleeding about 6 days after my period. It kills my mood and my body. I take …
So confused with the use of Progesterone cream HELP!!
Im 34 and have suffered from acne and severely oily skin (so greasy that my face becomes covered with a thick clogged layer of oil under an hour after …
Insomnia and Hair Loss
Hi, firstly thanks to everyone, especially Wray, for the abundance of information on this website. It is (literally) a life saver. I was in a dark place …
Progesterone cream benefit
Hello there, I am a 52 yrs old woman who lives in the UK. I went through a whole year without sleeping properly there are times when I could not sleep …
post cancer woman
Hi This is Kerry checking in. It's been 1 year after my lumpectomy and my refusal to take Tamoxifen. Actually, I tried it and then went off it after experiencing …
Could Natpro be bad for uterine cancer?
I've been using Natpro for several years non-stop every day at the lowest dose of 400 mgs per day. A few times I was using Natpro at the highest of 700 …
concerned Me.
Hi, I am post menopause, I have not had a cycle in almost 15 years, I lost my sexual drive almost five years ago. I started the Bhrt in May of 2015. feeling …
I am 45, going through perimenopause. Was still having estrogen dominance symptoms on 200mg and 400mg of oral bio-identical progesterone taken …
for 5 years not seeing my periods
The last time i see my periods it was 2010 before my pregnancy,after birth i only use contraception twice then i stopped and now is 2015 i have n't seen …
D and k ratio
Hello Wray or anyone else,
Can anyone tell me the ratio of vitamin d and vitamin k. If I take lets say 5000 UI of D how much K. Is there a limit …
Estrogen Dominant to Estrogen Deficient
Hi Wray,
One year ago at age 55 I had a saliva test done. My estradiol was high - 3.5 pg/mL. I was experiencing all kinds of mostly stressed-related …
Hormone Horror - Doctors Didn't Get It Right
Dear Wray, Thank you Wray for all you do. I have now scoured your website and know why my hormone therapy did not work. But I still am requesting your …
prometrium & tri-est combination
I have been on oral tri-est 3.5 mg & oral prometrium (micronized progesterone)100 mg for many years i would say at least ten or more. I still have …
this stuff is a lifesaver!
I took progesterone for about six months. This makes a huge difference in the quality of life for me. I got fired from my job for being 19 minutes late... …
Pain after changing my progesterone cream
Dear Wray, I have just recently discovered your page! I ordered 3 tubes of your progesterone for my daughters and friend. I am on a compounded mix of progesterone, …
6 weeks pregnant on 200 mg at night
Hi just want ask I'm on 200 mg progesterone at nights only .. ( last year I was on it but 200 night and 200 in morning and I had successful pregnancy …
Bad Batches of Natpro???
I've been taking about 300 mg. a day of Natro for several months. I haven't had a period in 4 months. (I'm 51 and in perimenopause). Earlier …
Madeleine Willsher, South AFrica.
Hello Wray, I am 70 years of age and have been off of hormone replacement therapy for about 15 years. Recently I heard of the benefits of natural progesterone …
Natural Progesterone Made me Feel Like me Again...
Hi all, I am 36 and for the last ten years I have been trying to find answers for why I have been so unwell and so 'not myself anymore'. I fell pregnant …
Natpro use for 4 years
Hi Wray, I have written in before & am a 40 year old female who has been using Aprox. 350mg of natpro a day. My question is, will being on this amount …
Cramping and period late
Hi! I'm 30 years old and have been using progesterone cream which was prescribed by my natural hormone physician. I went through a period of about 6 months …
Progesterone can often affect epilepsy in women
I have not completely got over my condition but started to understand that while I suffer with epilepsy it is something to do with hormones. It Always …
I cannot get to the questionnaire. I've filled in my email and clicked the link. It tells me I've already subscribed. I did subscribe to the newsletter …
Progesterone - wow ...
Hi all - I'm a single mother of 4, with a lifetime of drama with 'endometriosis', and in 2009 i found a lump on my right breast - no health insurance (i …
I've just been diagnosed with endometriosis and endometrial cysts. I don't want to go the conventional way of being sliced and diced. Has anyone managed …
Reaction to Progesterone Cream, Is it Normal?
The first month I took progesterone cream I had anxiety. I stopped after 2 days, I really hate having anxiety.
Last month my naturopath gave me an …
progesterone, Estrogen, Paranoia, Psychosis
Hi Wray,
I'm wondering what are your thoughts about the ideas I see mentioned that low levels of estrogen can cause psychosis, paranoia, schizophrenia? …
hormone pellet therapy
I had hormone pellets done sept 3 2014. I am 54 and menopausal had not had a cycle in over a year. After pellets 12mg estrogen and 100mg testosterone and …
Vitamin D elevated progesterone on saliva test
I am using zero progesterone, but just began taking 10,000iu with vitamin k (mk7) & magnesium oil since they are the cofactors to D. Just got my saliva …
Worse from Progrsterone
hi I'm two weeks into beginning progesterone and its increasing gotten more scarey. I feel like the whole world is black and I should die. I've tried increasing …
Will progesterone before my LH surge suppress ovulation?
Hi Wray! I was wondering if taking progesterone suppositories before my LH surge will affect ovulation. I've been taking them day 14 through my luteal …
Progesterone cream helped my daughter
After two miscarriages the doctor told my daughter that she stopped ovulating and that she is going to go into early menopause. She is only 32. I bought …
Teratoma's just removed and Progesterone cream is causing awful swelling, more or less?
I love this site and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping women like myself understand what our bodies need. I have always been in tune …
Must use more Progesterone!!
Hi I am 50 years old. I went to a medical doctor who specializes in hormonal issues through bio-identical hormone therapy. I was having weight gain …
"Hope for my Angel"
Dear Wray,
I was reading about your info on adding vitamin d3 with natural progesterone cream and I have some questions. I am also very supportive about …
bleeding to death from estrogen domiance...
Am severely anemic (hemoglobin form 7.5-8.5) from bleeding tons every few weeks. Am newly 54 years old and body just keeps trying to ovulate but almost …
Returning Back to Myself
Hi Wray,
Thanks so much for this site. I have spent a lot of time on here in recent weeks :)
I have longstanding health issues - chronic fatigue …
I am 42 and have been on progesterone compounded cream since March. I had VERY bad estrogen dominance (4 x's higher than progesterone, and my …
I am at my wits end...please help
Hi all,
I pray you can help with some advise.
I have been battling for 2 and a half years now and as you can imagine I am at my wits end.
I had …
health consultant and friend
Is there woman out there R or anyone else willing to talk with a mother of a young girl with estrogen dominance. She tried a bit and it made her daughter's …
natural progestrone for endo cyst
I had been suffering with endo cyst in the left ovary and had surgery twice to remove them and they kept comming again imd. I also developed focal …
Progesterone to the Rescue!
I am a 57 year old female and this is my story:
I can't remember the exact date, but when I was around the age of 38 I had a total hysterectomy because …
my life ended feb 2, 2014
My name is tina. Four months ago I was a busy social happy 54 year old. Then one night I woke up to a loud tonal sound in my right ear. During …
Estrogen Dominance Relapse - What to do?
Hello -
I'm estrogen sensitive and could not take the pill because of the extreme side effects (anger, anxiety and enlarged breasts. My body has always …
Am I applying too LITTLE or too MUCH progesterone? I'M CONFUSED!!! Part 2
I first realized I must be experiencing some Adrenal issues, and was probably dealing with a ton of Cortisol issues from the 8 solid weeks of non-stop …
Am I applying too LITTLE or too MUCH progesterone? I'M CONFUSED!!!
My story? Where to start? I guess from the beginning, sorry this will be long, but I REALLY need some insight.
I'm a 45 year old women struggling with …
Progesterone Dose...Listen to your body
Do your baseline blood test...finger stick
The thing is that I use the progesterone bio-identical pills according to how I feel. I always have since …
Endometrium Lining Back to Normal Range
First, I'm a postmenopausal lady, age 58, with a history of uterine fibroids which did not shrink after menopause as predicted by my doctor. My current …
Progesterone got rid of my vertigo/migraine
About 2 yrs ago I started experiencing bouts of vertigo out of no where. To make a long story short, I seen loads of doctors who all kept testing my hormones …
I'm only on day 3 of supplementing progesterone and feeling worse and worse. I've spent hours on this site and everything you explain makes so much sense. …
how about men with svt
I am 67 have svt, hp, bph, and arthritis will it help me? thank you.
Progesterone Hope and Advice
After experiencing some hormonal ups and downs due to severe emotional stress (also losing my cycle) from a family crisis as well as a previous food-borne …
Eliminating Copper with Progesterone Therapy
Hi everone! I want to thank Wray for her wonderful website. The information, research and tips have greatly benefited my husband, my two year old daughter …
Long, irregular, periods and progesterone cream
I am a 43 yo woman and my periods are doing some odd things. From the time I got my period till I was about 34 I had really heavy periods cycles that were …
Just a couple of symptoms I can't get rid of
I am now 45. I have been dealing with unbalanced hormones since I was 37. I have been through it all. I was told I was to young for these problems. All …
It helped me in 2006 great deal
I was healthy person always. In my 53rd year of age out of blu: sudden panic attacks, after travelling thru mountanious regions in Alpes who were …
Progesterone ruined my life
I was on progesterone cream and encouraged to use more and more which worsened my pcos symptoms. Once I stopped and weaned off of it I have extreme depression, …
Can progesterone cream cause heartburn?
Hi Wray!
First of all, thank you for your awesome website! I've learned so much about progesterone cream, and hormones in general, now that I'm going …
Progesterone and menopause
I have been on progesterone since menopause. I discovered the benefits of natural progesterone when I read "Passage to Power" by Leslie Kenton. Until then …
41 yr old with estrogen dominance ad starting progesterone
I am a menstruating 41 yr old with estrogen dominance. For several years I have had <.5 progesterone on my 21st day with estradiol between 150-300. …
Skin didn't absorb progesterone cream
I went to a doctor specializing in bioidentical hormone therapy. At first he put me on the Progesterone cream and an estrogen cream along with a testosterone …
Burning tongue and excessive saliva
Hello, I posted on this site and ordered the product and was very satisfied. I did not replenish my order once my 3 tubes ran out. My hot flashes are …
Disappointed and Confused
I started using natural progesterone cream about a year ago to control estrogen dominance and the onset of peri-menopause symptoms, as well as to keep …
How Can I Pre-pone Menstruation (make my period come early)
I have been planning a trip for our family for nearly 5 years and we are FINALLY going in October, however, my period is due to start 3-4 days into our …
Breast Cancer and Iodine
I had no idea that most of us here in the US is iodine deficient. The problems that being iodine deficient are enormous. Please order and read the book: …
just started a month ago
Hi everyone great forum I started off with pill progesterone 100mg which made me sleep in the mornings too like crazy I felt awesome but it was too much …
HELP! So confused over this hormone ordeal
Hi Wray, I've spent many days reading over these pages and first want to thank you for the compassion you show to the other ladies. I recently ordered …
Have Acne all my life - Can progesterone help?
Hi Wray, please help me!
I am 54 years old. Acne has ruled my life since I was a teenager. Diane-35 and Spironolactone helped me a lot but only temporarily. …
adrenal exhaustion
Hi Wray,
I am 54 years of age in full menopause and have been taking 600 mg. of prometrium for 2 years. I haven't been sleeping well for the past 5 …
What Worked for Me (Finally)
Hi Wray:
I have been battling hormone hell for over four has taken me quite a bit of trial/error and time but I finally have lost weight …
Pregnenolone saved my daughter
I had to take my 15 year old daughter to the emergency room about 3 weeks ago with what I thought might be appendicitis. She ended up having ovarian cysts …
Pain in the ovary
Hi Wray,
I haven't talked to you in a while. I hope all is well. I thought I would let you know what is going on with me and to see if you knew what …
How to use the cream
I have started using Progesterone cream for 4 days, and I already sleep better!! I also fell more at ease - a good nights sleep makes wonders..
Now I …
Not much music to go with my menopause
I'm 51 and going through menopause. My memory is somewhat pretty good and I've searched for answers to my health concerns the majority of my adult life. …
My recent adventures and some advice, if possible….
I will preface this by saying that I took BCP for 15 years, not knowing all the risks and dangers, I didn't stop until I was 39 and suffered full CHF, …
Hormonal reaction to various supplements
This website has seriously saved my life! I am hoping now that maybe I can post what is going on with my hormones to see if any other women have experienced …
I seem to have a paradoxical effect from progesterone
I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure 8 years ago and started HRT 2 years ago. I had estradiol and progesterone cream from a compounding pharmacy. …
Progesterone Saved me.
Going thru menopause for 23 yrs has been a nightmare.. I was having anxiety, panic attacks, feeling overwhelmed . I had so many doctors tell me I needed …
Progesterone - no period
I have been using 200mg of NatPro since day 7 of my period (which was when I received it) as my periods have been a little bit irregular I decided …
Spotting one week after ovulation
I had a miscarriage a year ago and have failed to fall pregnant since. After reading Wheat Belly, The Vitamin D Solution and Good Calories, Bad Calories, …
Headaches when off Progesterone
I am the mother of 13 children (11 of my own)- and I am having a hard time feeling well. My youngest natural child is 8 years old- and I actually …
Taurine makes me nervous!
Hi Wray,
I have been reading you site for quite some time now, and am currently using about 250 mgs progesterone/day to try to overcome some PMS, irritability, …
Want to know if progesterone will help me
I was just checking to see if you thought progesterone cream would work for me. I have done some research. But most of what I have read is related …
Crazy high saliva hormone results and still having severe symptoms.
Hi Wray,
I apologize for the length of my post; however, I want to be certain I don't leave out any pertinent information.
I wrote you August of 2010, …
50 year old
My doctor put me on 100mg prometrium and one pump of estrogen daily as a prevention of vaginal dryness and bladder infections.My problems cleared up in …
Artificial insemination, implant of fertilised egg no success in getting pregnant
Hi wray,
I have started this new page as I writing for my sister in law. she has been tryIng to fall pregnant naturally since almost 4 years with no …
Re: placed two orders but have not received them
Hi there I phoned the department immediately I received the previous post from you. It turns out that the upgrade we've just had done between the shopping …
Progesterone, voice change
I have a question. 11yrs ago I was pregnant with my daughter. About 3rd to 4th month approximately, my singing voice changed from alto to tenor. It stayed …
Dealing with Perimenopause
Hi Wray
I am 46 and started with severe symptoms a year ago. Anxiety, insomnia, skin rashes, tinnitus, sore muscles, depression and the list goes on. …
PCOS,Had IUI & was placed on rx progesterone..
I am 37, have been trying to conceive for about 3 1/2-4yrs. Found out about 2 yrs ago that I have pcos. Recently had a second IUI(artifical insemination) …
Periodes after chemo
I would like your advice on the use and dosage (in tsp) of the NatPro product. Two and a half years ago I underwent chemo and surgery for a breast tumor. …
Uterine Pain When I Use Natural Progesterone Cream
I've been using the cream during the second half of my cycle for several months. I definitely feel the benefits, but I tend to get pain in the uterine …
progesterone balanced my estrogen dominance
I have been suffering from severe anxiety, and internal trembling while taking vivelle dot(estradiol patch) for 4 years. My doctor also told me to take …
Don't know how I have been functioning.
Hi Wray,
I told the beginning of my story in my post, "Severe PND and anxiety" a few weeks ago and I finally got my test results back and wow, they …
Cant sleep a week before period!!!!
Hi Wray, you have helped me a lot in the past but Im still finding that I can hardly sleep a week before my period even if I cover my body head to toe …
Thank you so much Wray
Dear Wray
I just wanted to thank you for your help in contacting the Natpro suppliers and Julienne in the UK. I had already re confirmed my details with …
Emory University have done it again... "Progesterone Inhibits Growth of Neuroblastoma Cancer Cells"
Emory were the first to give us the extraordinary news that progesterone in amounts exceeding 1200mg/day, would help Traumatic Brain Injury.
During …
Too much or Too Little Progesterone?
Hi Wray,
I had a laparatomy in April 2010 (when I was 40) for 2 chocolate cysts, 10cm and 8cm, several fibroids in my uterus and also to free up some …
Progesterone saviour after 5-week bleed.
Hello Wray. I've spent the last few weeks reading the wealth of information contained on your site, and I must give you my heartfelt thanks for all the …
Allergy to prgesterone
You are very irresponsible when you affirm that the allergy to progesterone consists mainly of water retention. This allergy can kill you! you can have …
working for me.....
Using Natpro has helped. Alot. I use it three times a day, If I don't, I bleed, and cramp. I had vaginal ablation in May, These periods are better, but …
In need of Natpro
Wray, went to order Natpro and it was "out of stock". I received an e-mail letting me know if was back in stock. Two days later when I went to place my …
Still have insomnia cont......
Thank you again for your help. I was telling you that I was irritable and quick to anger, and I thought it might be my adrenal glands though they …
Still have Insomnia cont'
Hi Wray,
I have gone up to 400 mg of progesterone of the micronized pills disolved in a cream. Have been using that strength for 3 or 4 days. Had an …
Very sore breasts
I have quite bad breast swelling/tenderness before my period, which has been ongoing since I was a teenager. I am now 32 and it has gotten worse in the …
What should my levels be?
Wray, hi. I just got my lab results back. My progesterone level is 7.92(ng/ml) my estridol is 139 (pg/ml) my Vitamin D 25 hydroxy is 47.3 up from 23. My …
Progesterone is helping! But still have insomnia.....
Thank you again for your advice and concern. I wrote twice under the title of "Confused". Things are better! Last cycle my period was so much …
i have severe allergy to progesterone
Hi, everybody,
I have question that nobody can respond to me for many years. I had severe side effects with one shot of Birth control progestin 8 years …
cecilia....I forgot to tell you I am now able to take
300mg magnesium daily.
I found that pills made me really sick, but then I was recommended powder form, and it actually eased my muscle pain within an …
cecilia from New Zealand
Hi Wray,
I'm sorry but i can't find the original page I was using a few weeks back, so I have had to start again.
I am the lady with the very bad TSH …
Irregular menstrual cycles
Hi Wray
I'm 29 years old and having struggled with my libido for a while I decided to read up on it. The one thing that stuck out for me was that the …
Doctors' opinions
Hi Wray,
The last time we talked, I forgot to mention something Dr. Schlanger said and I was wondering how you would answer such a statement. She said …
Period Coming Every Two Weeks
Hi Wray,
I'm 43 years old. Two months ago I had a period and then another two weeks later. This was extremely frustrating for me, as my periods are …
Endometrial Polyp
Hi Wray,
My wife, aged 38, is using Progesterone Micronized at a dose of 200 mg vaginally, from day 12 to day 22 of the menstrual cycle, for an endometrial …
Progesterone Hertoghe
What do You think about it???
Hertoghe article on progesteron
Why Do I Do Better on Micronized Oral Progesterone than Compounded Cream??
Hello Wray:
Wondering if you can explain this. I have taken micronized oral progesterone in the past. I wanted to give the cream a try (since oral makes …
Ovulation Discharge an Indicator of Adequate Progesterone?
I am thinking about trying progesterone cream but am not sure if I need it or not (I am 43 years old). Can I assume that if I get a slightly clear discharge …
Have You Ever Advised Anyone to Reduce their Progesterone Dosage?
I have spent time reading alot of the posts on here and I notice that you say in the majority of cases that the amount of progesterone being used is too …
Progesterone Hemorrhoids
Is dangerous Progesterone for hemorrhoids from high anal pressure?
USP Progesterone cream and Mirena
I am 45 and after no success with birth control pills to stop heavy bleeding my doctor put me on Mirena. Ablation would be the next option. I have been …
Progesterone Dominance - My Personal Experience
I know on this site many feel that it is pretty much impossible to get too much progesterone. From my own experience, I disagree.
At different …
New Zealand and Progesterone
I've been using progesterone for about 6 weeks. I am so delighted with the depth of sleep that I am having. Over the last 20 odd years I wouldn't …
About to give up...
Hi Wray, just poking in for a quick update to let you know how I've been. I clearly suspect I have pcos although doctors have not diagnosed me as I've …
Advice on my daughter's health
My daughter is 26yo, since starting menstruating she has had episodes of excruciating lower right flank pain, with full on shock symptoms - clammy, grey …
Hi Wray
I am looking for Muriel I have a few questions to ask her if I may ...I seem to be in the same boat with fluid retention for months and high …
No more migraines.
I have dealt with hormone related migraines for almost 20 years. I am 45 and still have a regular period. I have known that my migraines were hormone …
facial hair
Hi Wray
I have found your site very helpful and wanted to get your perspective on my issues.
A little history: I’ve never had PCOS (my symptoms searches …
Hi Wray
Iam 9th of pregnant now and this is my first pregnancy.From 4th wk my Doc adviced to take Progesterone 200 mg till 8th wk.After 8 wks i went to …
Natural Progesterone How long will it take to help heavy bleeding?
I am a 50 yr old female, still ovulating but going thru peri-menopause and becoming very week from blood loss. I also have fibrocystic breast disease. …
"What about Factor V and Protein Deficiency Disorders?"
My Granddaughter passed away from a massive blood clot in her brain. Tests revealed that she had both factor V and protein deficiency blood disorders. …
3 weeks pregnant and on 100 mg progesterone capsule
Hi I am almost 4 weeks pregnant. I have had 2 miscarriages in the past year august 2011 and a D&C December 2011. This pregnancy they put me on progesterone …
"normal" problems
Hi Wray. I'm 22 years old and I see myself as a healthy young woman. I'm not overweight and I usually tend to eat healthy food. But I've never restricted …
Oral contraceptives and progesterone cream
I am interested in trying Natpro to relieve symptoms possibly related to estrogen dominance. I am, however, on oral contraceptives as I am in a committed …
Progesterone help prostate cancer
Please help...
I went for a normal cervical smear. The result was CIN 1 cells. I've been using Natpro for about 6 months because of my periods being …
Should I use progesterone cream?
I am 67 years old. I would like to know if using progesterone cream would be alright for me. I seem to be very down a lot of the time. As well as very …
I am still irritable
I have been using Natpro for 3 months now whilst tapering off my Livial. I now only take one every 5 days so another couple of weeks and I should be off …
Progesterone works but need help
As I am not sure which events are linked, I have put down
everything that might be relevant in chronological order.
All the problems have manifested …
Total Hysterectomy and on HRT
I am 36 years of age. I had a total abdominal hysterectomy in 2006, and since then have been taking Premarin 1.25 mg/day.
I have noticed weight gain, …
Progesterone and skin problems excema
During all my pregnancies, I suffered with a dermatitis-excema rash on my hands and face which disappeared afterwards. Now I am starting menopause and …
Progesterone saved my sanity
For years, doctors thought I was depressed even though I kept telling them my problem was somehow hormone related. I only knew that because my PMS was …
Where can I get progesterone?
Just read your website... sounds interesting. I was diagnosed with PCOS and I'm on birth control pills. Just wondering where can I get progesterone from. …
Does the method of progesterone therapy make any difference?
My first pregnancy was perfect. I am carrying my second pregnancy. In the 8th week I had some bleeding, like dark clots. My doctor recommended bed rest …
PCOS and low progesterone levels
I'm 28 years old and my husband and I have been trying to concieve unsuccessfully for the past 4 years. During that time I have seen a specialist only …
Progestrone injections during pregnancy
How important is it to take take progestrone injections during pregnancy?
Progesterone and cancer and hormone receptors
Does progesterone block our hormone receptors like estrogen and testosterone? What is the relation between excessive progesterone and cancer? Is it true …
Foods containing progesterone
I have been on the internet for 4 hours looking for actual foods containing progesterone... not creams... or pills... the actual food. All I found was …
Does progesterone help with blood sugar and anxiety?
I am 42 and according to blood work I am post menopausal. I started experiencing anxiety and panic attacks one year ago, shortly after my diagnosis of …
No period for 3 years
I am 25 years old and haven't had a period in 3 years. I have been to numerous doctors and they have put me on Provera and said that it is quite normal. …
Progesterone and thyroid
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism (specifically, Hashimoto's) with a TPO of 1262. In range was 0-35. I was put on synthroid and my TPO (thyroid peroxidase …
Progesterone helped me
I am 33 years old and have had 2 live births and 6 losses that I believe are progesterone-deficiency related. The last pregnancy/loss I used progesterone …
Life after YAZ birth Control Pill
I am 25yrs old and took YAZ, under the recommendation of my OB/GYN to decrease the activity of my ovaries and thus increase my chances of conception if …
Could progesterone cream help?
I am a 54 year old female, and one year ago I had surgery to remove endometrial tissue from my intestines. I had no symptoms of endometriosis until I …
Always tired
I am 37 years old and wiegh 140 lbs. After a blood test and compaints to my doctor of always being tired, very hard to lose weight ( exercising like crazy), …
Taking 200 mg of progesterone
I was released by a fertility clinic over a month ago to my OBGYN
He has not taken me off the progesterone yet and I am 14 weeks pregnant. I am questioning …
Progesterone and Hypertension
I had 3 3 month Depo Provera shots plus a Lupron injection before my endometrial ablation 6 weeks ago. I had been taking progestin BC pills a few months …
Progesterone and hair loss
I am very concerned my hair has been shedding for quite some time. I was told that white flour and white sugar "would destroy me" but lately the problem …
Additional benefits of progesterone
I gave birth several months ago and, as most people know, when pregnant the mother's hair gets thick and luxurious. After birth, my hair has fallen out …
Progesterone for ADHD
Hello, I have a friend that has a 14 year old boy with ADHD. Do you have any information on the use of progesterone cream for this condition?
Thank you …
Progesterone makes me so crabby and unhappy
I have had severe emotional symptoms relating to menopause -depression and anxiety for the most part. After 2 years of trying to treat them naturally and …
Will progesterone tablets increase the risk of abortion?
I'm not quite clear as to the difference between progesterone, progestins and progestogens. My question is, if I consume tablets containing progesterones, …
Progesterone cream or trouche
Hello, I was just wondering what was better progesterone cream or trouches. I have both 20 mg trouch told to take once a day and I also have natural cream …
Hormones and muscles
I have just found your website. I have a question about the effect of estrogen and/or proegesterone on muscles and ligaments. I am post menopausal and …
Bleeding During Use Of Progesterone
I have been using natural progesterone for about a year now. I use 1/8 of a tsp am and pm from day 15 to day 28 of my cycle.
Although most of my symptoms …
Infant asthma
Hi Mary I believe progesterone could help. Interestingly the prevalence of asthma in infant boys is greater than girls. Eczema could possibly be helped, …
Need advice on use of Progesterone Cream
Hello Wray
I have been using the Progesterone Cream now for about 7 - 8 weeks. (I might add here that I have just finished chemo therapy and radiation …
Gaining weight on hormones
My doctor put me on the transdermal gel, Estrogel and Prometrium a progesterone. These are to help menopause symptoms and prevention of Osteoporosis. …
Progesterone returned my body to a healthy cycle following chemo.
Hi My name is Maz and this is my second story to add to this wonderful site regarding progesterone.
After having used Progesterone Cream for nearly …
Progesterone healed my radiation burns in days
Hello, my name is Maz and I would like to share my story on this amazing product.
I was introduced to progesterone Cream at the time I was part way …
Will progesterone help a child?
A son of a friend, age two and a half, suffers from...
1. asthma
2. nut allergy
3. Eczema
I wondered if progesterone cream could be of some help …
Progesterone: The key fit
After menopause (cessation of bleeding 15 months) I had kidney pain, severe migraines and body aches at all times. Severe fatigue hit me and I had adrenal …
Side effects, does it mean it's working?
Dear Wray,
I just started on Natpro a week ago. I read in the insert about symptoms getting worse in the beginning. How long typically does this occur …
Factor V
I have Factor V leiden disorder. Having thick lining and am post menopausal. Dr. put me on Prometrium 12 days of each month. Is this safe with having …
Natpro makes my period come early
I started using Natpro because my periods were getting shorter and because I have premenstrual spotting. As a result, all I got was my period even shorter. …
Too much progesterone
My saliva test showed my progesterone was 421, and my estrogens were all at normal levels. What can I do to lower my progesterone?
A question or two...
I have had a hysterectomy (I've kept my ovaries) because of pretty bad fibroids.
I am wondering: if my problem was caused by a progesterone deficiency, …
Miren Coil
Is it okay to use natural progesterone with a mire a coil!!!
Which hormones to take?
I have been reading for some time now about natural hormone replacement therapy and have tried to find a doctor who truely understands bioidentical hormones …
Progesterone & Testosterone making me feel ill
Have started using 4% progesterone and 1% testosterone. Have been on it for 4 days only (currently using flat 1/4 teaspoon). I woke up this morning feeling …
Progesterone for help with Luteal Phase Defect ?
Hi ! I have been tracking my ovulation and find that my luteal phase is between 7 and 9 days. I understand that this is far too few days and it would …
Progesterone reduced my supraventricular tachycardia
I am 53, and post menopausal for about 3 years now. I used progesterone cream during the transition into menopause, and it effectively eliminated all …
What is the normal range of progesternoe in our bodies male and female?
Progesterone cream made my periods late.
I started using Natro progesterone cream about two weeks ago, three times a day, 1/4 teaspoon ten minutes before meals.
My period is now nine days late …
Feeling desperate
Can you have too much progesterone? I have come off a bio-identical troche but it was prescribed from a blood test. When I did i a saliva test my levels …
Ovarian cysts & progesterone
Thank you Wray for your comments regarding my Mothers problem. The progesterone cream is Doctor formulated with 1800mg of natural progesterone. Each 1/4 …
Progesterone doesn't work in me!
I'm a 29 year old lady, and work for a family doctor. I'm married and have been trying to concieve for four years. I underwent many IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) …
Progesterone to avoid miscarriage - caps inserted vaginally
My wife's doctor prescribed progesterone capsules for my wife to help her avoid a miscarriage, after we lost the last two babies within 2 months or less. …
Ovarian cysts & progesterone
My Mother is 76 years old & was rushed into hospital end of June this year with rapid heartbeat. She has a heart murmur & an overactive thyroid, in short, …
Been told I need natural progesterone
I need to ask that if I have been told I may have low progesterone and need natural progesterone, what does this mean? Do I need to take tablets or some …
Am I using enough, and do I keep applying?
Dear Wray,
My two questions are - the "pea size" amount that I am applying means that the jar will last me longer than 3 months, I am obviously not …
Progesterone - is this the answer to all my problems?
I've filled in a questionare at Emagene's Bfn, and it seems like I need Progesterone
I want to start using my "Natpro cream" but I'm so scared I'll …
Fibroids during pregnancy
Is is possible to shrink fibroids during pregnancy with the help of progesterone?
Progesterone combination
I want to talk with my GYN regarding this hormone, but I do not know if I need a combination of other hormones to help with depression, lack of energy, …
Progestrone in myopathy
Hello, I have a patient - 2 year baby who had need to ventilator therapy for 30 days - in I.C.U with myopathy. I need information for substantial relief …
Do I need to take Progesterone?
I am pregant and it is my 8th week. When I met my Dr yesterday she asked me to take Susten 200 (Progesterone). It was my first visit after my pregnacy. …
Hysterectomy and Progesterone Cream
I have had a Hysterectomy over 7 years ago ago and I began using Progesterone Cream for a couple of years to alleviate symptoms. However, I felt better …
What are the products containing high or low progesterone? Maybe food substances? Please give examples.
Don't know which way to turn
I am 44 years old. I have had a large fibroid removed by surgery 8 years ago. I now have an 8cm fibroid with poor vascularisation and an oedema inside …
Is it harmful taking oral progesterone with parlodel?
I have been trying to conceive and been diagonsed as having low progesterone and high prolactin. I have been placed on primolutn (2 tabs per day) and parlodel …