Hormonal reaction to various supplements
by Staci
This website has seriously saved my life! I am hoping now that maybe I can post what is going on with my hormones to see if any other women have experienced this and how they handled it. Sorry for the long post to explain my situation! I began having mild perimenopause symptoms about 7-8 years ago (when I was only 33), but I didn't realize what was wrong until many years later. They became very intense about 2 years ago and I felt my entire life was falling apart. About 8 months ago I discovered this website and started very high doses of Natpro (1300-1500mg/day). I had horrible estrogen dominance wake up from it but stuck it out and that has improved some, although not stopped completely. I also began using cell salts as I discovered from this site and am now down to having to use only about 700mg/day of Natpro. I have slowly felt life returning to me! However, almost every supplement that I read about on this site and on the internet in general that is supposed to help with increasing progesterone and aiding adrenal function has only increased estrogen for me. I have tried taurine, B6, adrenal glandulars, (I can't even take my beloved swedish bitters anymore because there is dong quai in it) and many others. I can tolerate small doses of B5 and maca, which do seem to elevate progesterone a little (but also estrogen) but if I increase them very much then I have horrible estrogen dominance from it. Also any supplement I try that has any type of liver cleansing effect makes my hormones drop so severely that I feel like I'm back to the beginning before I started the Natpro, like inositol (which used to really help my skin and blood sugar), NAC, MSM, milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid (which even a tiny amount causes an extreme drop in both progesterone and estrogen for me). I read everywhere of women taking these to control estrogen dominance, but they effect me by also lowering progesterone dramatically. The only supplements I've found that help lower estrogen and raise progesterone are extremely high doses of calcium d-glucarate (I have to take about 4000mg/day) and potassium (I take 1000mg/day). I have not had my hormones tested recently, but 1 year ago when I was at my worst all of my hormones were low (even estrogen and cortisol!) Has anyone else had a similar reaction to the liver cleansing supplements, or to the supplements that increase adrenal function? I only find when I search the internet that other women benefit in controlling estrogen dominance with these supplements, but yet they all make mine so much worse. I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with me (my doctors have been very unhelpful). I'm desperate to feel better but struggle every day with estrogen dominance even though I take so much progesterone and calcium d glucarate.