by Maz
(Brisbane, Australia)
Hello, my name is Maz and I would like to share my story on this amazing product.
I was introduced to progesterone Cream at the time I was part way through radium treatment for breast cancer. At that time my breast was badly burnt and the statements that were being readily passed around the radiation oncology therapists was "I was one of the worst cases they had seen for a long time". Honestly I was burnt raw. My wound was infected and weeping and my friends even thought I was going to need plastic surgery because it looked so nasty and deep and it didn't seem possible that it would heal, especially seeing my immune system was already compromised from chemo and now radiation was having its go at my body to.
Then a dear friend gave me a tube of this so called "wonder cream". "Use it Maz and use plenty of it on your burn and use it on your breasts, under your arms, on your wrists etc" were the instructions. so I did. That day was a Wednesday afternoon around 2.00pm.
I repeated the treatment that night, thursday twice and on Friday morning, I woke up in the morning with a feeling of, gosh I slept well, my breast wound didn't keep me awake all night, which is what it had been doing for the past 3 weeks. I couldn't sleep because if I moved the slightest bit, my breast would tear open and bleed and I would yell in pain. I actually slept.
I didn't think much more about it other than I got up out of bed easily and then went to the bathroom and when I pulled up my shirt to have the usual look at it ..... well you could have knocked me over with a feather. It was healed and I mean you would never have known that I had such a horrific wound just two days before. I was so amazed, I rang my husband who had already gone to work and told him and then I rang some of my friends. We later caught up for coffee and their words were "if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it either".
Thank you so much. I will continue to use this cream for ever and a day. I have also decided that this is the cream I will use to improve my chances greatly of defeating Breast Cancer for good.
I'm the happiest person ever.
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