What should my levels be?
by Peg
Wray, hi. I just got my lab results back. My progesterone level is 7.92(ng/ml) my estridol is 139 (pg/ml) my Vitamin D 25 hydroxy is 47.3 up from 23. My B-12 is greater that 1500. C reactive protein is 0.10 and glucose is 85. What should my progesterone and Esttridol levels be to be ... normal. The rest show the range they should be in, but not these two. By the way, husband moved out 2 weeks ago. I am scheduled for the complete hysterectomy on Oct 29th. He filed severe verbal and emotional abuse on me. I am fighting these grounds, due to the PMDD and Peri-menopause plus all the lab results should be able to back me up. Women have NO control over this, It is no different than a diabetic with insulin levels off, or a MS patient having tremmors or other symptoms, or a epileptic having a siezure. The body is out of control and different reactions occur in different instances, illnesses, and people. Education is a must. This needs to become mainstream, and insurance commpanies need to step up and help pay for alternative methods . If I could have had accuepuncture or massgae therapy to help with the anxiety, and progesterone cream paid for at the normal copay instead of 6 times the copay on my medications, I might not have been so bad. So now, he we go, another broken family, another women in poverty situation, and more grand children not having grandpa around... This is not fair!