Since having children I became aware of a pattern of physical and mental behaviours my body would show. My pregnancies would be dream like and I become the most calm loving positive person, however days after my babies are born came the depression, the insomnia and fatigue which has got increasingly worse with each child, each post partum period.
My children are now aged 10, 7 and 2 and this whole time I have been searching for answers to do with my health. I also suffer with histimine intolerance, constant sleep anxiety due to feeling wired at night and blood sugar issues, major mood swings, painful periods, receding hairline 🤭.
Anyway I’ve been on the progesterone Creme for one month now, my mood seems balanced, my period wasn’t painful, I strangely today started seeing new hair growth around the hair line. I’m excited to see how I feel over this next cycle. I am 33 years old and still having a regular monthly cycle. Interestingly my mom went through menopause at 40. I’m hoping progesterone Creme will give me another few decades before menopause.
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